Tipo Insegnamento:
Durata (ore):
Dati Generali
Periodo di attività
Secondo Semestre (03/02/2025 - 10/05/2025)
Obiettivi Formativi
Due to the university's need for internationalization, with growing attention paid to Africa, LUISS has decided to establish a course in English in African Politics and Society at the Faculty of Political Sciences. In light of the Italian Presidency of the G20 in 2020, of the Italian Presidency of the G7 in 2024, of the establishment of the Mattei Plan in 2023 and of the Italy-Africa Conference at Head of States and Government level in 2024, the African continent holds a strategic centrality of primary importance not only for Italy, but for the whole of European Union.
The course, the only one of its kind in Italy, proposes the study of the history of African political systems and of the process of both regional and continental economic-political integration (for the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities and for the African Area of Free Trade), with particular attention paid to the internal dynamics of current complex African policies.
The course, the only one of its kind in Italy, proposes the study of the history of African political systems and of the process of both regional and continental economic-political integration (for the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities and for the African Area of Free Trade), with particular attention paid to the internal dynamics of current complex African policies.
Metodi didattici
Lectures on campus.
Verifica Apprendimento
Oral exam: 60%
Course attendance: 40%
Course attendance: 40%
Course Textbooks (compulsory):
Zeinab Badawi, An African History of Africa. From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence, Penguin, London 2024. ISBN: 9780753560129. NB: Available from April the 18th 2024.
Choose one of the two following books:
Carlos Lopes, Africa in Transformation. Economic Development in the Age of Doubt, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2019. ISBN: 9783030012908; 9783030012915 (ebook).
Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Africa’s Critical Choices. A call for a Pan-African Roadmap, Routledge, London 2019. ISBN: 9780367150518; 9780429619694 (ebook).
One chapter chosen from the following book: Kwasi Wiredu (eds.), A Companion to African Philosophy, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2004. ISBN: 9781405145671.
Recommended Reference Publications (optional):
Raffaele Marchetti (eds.), Africa-Europe Relationships, A Multistakeholder Perspective, Routledge, London and New York 2020. ISBN: 9780367467197 (hbk); 9781003030621 (ebook).
Marco Massoni, Africa-Europe: Intercontinental Relations in a Multipolar World and the Way Ahead, Special Report, Dialogue of Civilizations (DOC) Research Institute, Berlin 2019. URL:
Dambisa Moyo, Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa, Farrar Straus Giroux, New York 2009. ISBN: 9780374532123.
AUDA-NEPAD African Union Development Agency, Annual Report 2021, December 2021, Midrand Johannesburg. URL:
AUDA-NEPAD African Union Development Agency, Second Continental Report on the Implementation of Agenda 2063, February 2022, Midrand Johannesburg. ISBN: 9781776349081. URL:
United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa. Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations, New York 2021. ISBN: 9789210000956 (ebook). URL:
United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, New Partnerships for Africa’s Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support. Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations, New York 2021. ISBN: 9789210000963 (ebook). URL:
Zeinab Badawi, An African History of Africa. From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence, Penguin, London 2024. ISBN: 9780753560129. NB: Available from April the 18th 2024.
Choose one of the two following books:
Carlos Lopes, Africa in Transformation. Economic Development in the Age of Doubt, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2019. ISBN: 9783030012908; 9783030012915 (ebook).
Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Africa’s Critical Choices. A call for a Pan-African Roadmap, Routledge, London 2019. ISBN: 9780367150518; 9780429619694 (ebook).
One chapter chosen from the following book: Kwasi Wiredu (eds.), A Companion to African Philosophy, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2004. ISBN: 9781405145671.
Recommended Reference Publications (optional):
Raffaele Marchetti (eds.), Africa-Europe Relationships, A Multistakeholder Perspective, Routledge, London and New York 2020. ISBN: 9780367467197 (hbk); 9781003030621 (ebook).
Marco Massoni, Africa-Europe: Intercontinental Relations in a Multipolar World and the Way Ahead, Special Report, Dialogue of Civilizations (DOC) Research Institute, Berlin 2019. URL:
Dambisa Moyo, Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa, Farrar Straus Giroux, New York 2009. ISBN: 9780374532123.
AUDA-NEPAD African Union Development Agency, Annual Report 2021, December 2021, Midrand Johannesburg. URL:
AUDA-NEPAD African Union Development Agency, Second Continental Report on the Implementation of Agenda 2063, February 2022, Midrand Johannesburg. ISBN: 9781776349081. URL:
United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa. Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations, New York 2021. ISBN: 9789210000956 (ebook). URL:
United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, New Partnerships for Africa’s Development: Progress in Implementation and International Support. Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations, New York 2021. ISBN: 9789210000963 (ebook). URL:
From a mere supplier of natural resources to a key player with an increasingly significant global, political, economic and financial role, Africa has now become the arena where full-blown global competition is being waged - played out against the backdrop of increasingly rapid globalisation. In this fast and unexpected process, the many neo-colonialist stereotypes and paternalistic biases, still characterizing the European approach to Africa, are proving to be progressively obsolete for the shrewdest and the smartest international players, an increasing number of which are, strictly speaking, post-western. This new scramble for Africa is marked by the proliferation of partnerships involving blocs that are alternative to and competing with the consolidated European monopoly.
The course will be focused on the current political and economic integration processes and its continental negotiating capabilities in the international arena, covering several aspects: history, culture and society; development and industrialization; African domestic politics and peace and security.
The role of the social sciences in the study of pre-colonial Africa.
The re-appropriation by Africans of “their own history”.
Types of African identities currently projected by African philosophy.
Fundamental issues for understanding African dynamics today will be specified, such as the effectiveness of development aid and its criticism, financial cooperation to boost sustainable development (including climate action and energy transition), the importance of remittances from the African diaspora abroad. A particular focus will be given to environmental challenges linked to adaptation issues, emphasizing the potential role of renewable energy underlining the link between wellbeing (as objective), climate change (as challenge) and energy transition (as solution).
There will be an examination of the architecture of the African institutions in charge of economic and political integration at continental and regional levels, considering those areas suffering the effects of destabilisation caused by the threats of a plethora of non-state actors linked to transnational terrorism. In this perspective, the new European Union foreign policy instruments for development, peace and security will be discussed: the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI) and the European Peace Facility (EPF).
Finally, global politics as well as both European and Italian national interest over the African continent, considered by several observers the very last economic frontier of the world today, will be outlined in order to present the advantages of interpreting a long-term strategic and geopolitical vision towards Africa.
The course will be focused on the current political and economic integration processes and its continental negotiating capabilities in the international arena, covering several aspects: history, culture and society; development and industrialization; African domestic politics and peace and security.
The role of the social sciences in the study of pre-colonial Africa.
The re-appropriation by Africans of “their own history”.
Types of African identities currently projected by African philosophy.
Fundamental issues for understanding African dynamics today will be specified, such as the effectiveness of development aid and its criticism, financial cooperation to boost sustainable development (including climate action and energy transition), the importance of remittances from the African diaspora abroad. A particular focus will be given to environmental challenges linked to adaptation issues, emphasizing the potential role of renewable energy underlining the link between wellbeing (as objective), climate change (as challenge) and energy transition (as solution).
There will be an examination of the architecture of the African institutions in charge of economic and political integration at continental and regional levels, considering those areas suffering the effects of destabilisation caused by the threats of a plethora of non-state actors linked to transnational terrorism. In this perspective, the new European Union foreign policy instruments for development, peace and security will be discussed: the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI) and the European Peace Facility (EPF).
Finally, global politics as well as both European and Italian national interest over the African continent, considered by several observers the very last economic frontier of the world today, will be outlined in order to present the advantages of interpreting a long-term strategic and geopolitical vision towards Africa.
Risultati di Apprendimento Attesi
Students will be able not only to proactively show a thorough awareness of the pivotal role played by Africa in contemporary geopolitics, also thanks to the study of ad hoc policy documents, but also to comprehensively examine the most significant views regarding the role of Africa in the current international debate.
All topics will be addressed from both an intra-African perspective (African Union and Regional Economic Communities) and an international dimension, such as the United Nations, the European Union and other multilateral fora.
Sustainable development will be presented as a key component of African socio-economic development highlighting the role played by Agenda 2063. Particularly, students will be provided with a comprehensive overview of current and future trends in African development as a combination of the following factors: rapid technology transfer; favourable macroeconomic data; improved agricultural policies; significant decrease in inter-state armed conflicts; reduction in foreign debt; and increased and more structural foreign direct investments focused on Africa’s key priorities.
Despite the persistence of negative narratives about it, Africa is the second fastest growing macro-region in the world after Asia and in the 21st century it will be the fastest. Indeed, although it started from a backward condition at the beginning of the millennium, Africa is gaining positions in all economic sectors (trade, investment and global financial flows), which are increasingly converging on what until a few years ago was labelled the 'Lost Continent'. Because of that, the students will be provided, beyond ideological representations, a multidisciplinary and updated insight into African strategic horizons, through political and economic dynamics from international, continental and regional points of view, according to the most appropriate documentation available, although sometimes controversial.
Besides, learners will be able to realize that Africa is moving from dependence on development aid to trade-driven economic growth embedded in economic globalisation, private sector investments so that it is no longer the final destination of international aid and solidarity, but the place par excellence for global investment.
Finally, because of the impact of circular economy on the economy and on the social development of Africa, students will see how the fourth industrial revolution offers Africa the opportunity to accelerate economic transformation in productivity and growth for both domestic consumption and export. Actually, mandatory reforms, to be implemented by African leaders, will include mobilising more and better domestic resources, diversifying the economy, building adequate infrastructure and logistics networks, increasing regional economic and political integration, managing climate change and the unique urbanisation process with the strong emergence of intermediary cities. In regards of cities’ transformation, the issues of adaptation, resilience and infrastructure development will be focused too.
All topics will be addressed from both an intra-African perspective (African Union and Regional Economic Communities) and an international dimension, such as the United Nations, the European Union and other multilateral fora.
Sustainable development will be presented as a key component of African socio-economic development highlighting the role played by Agenda 2063. Particularly, students will be provided with a comprehensive overview of current and future trends in African development as a combination of the following factors: rapid technology transfer; favourable macroeconomic data; improved agricultural policies; significant decrease in inter-state armed conflicts; reduction in foreign debt; and increased and more structural foreign direct investments focused on Africa’s key priorities.
Despite the persistence of negative narratives about it, Africa is the second fastest growing macro-region in the world after Asia and in the 21st century it will be the fastest. Indeed, although it started from a backward condition at the beginning of the millennium, Africa is gaining positions in all economic sectors (trade, investment and global financial flows), which are increasingly converging on what until a few years ago was labelled the 'Lost Continent'. Because of that, the students will be provided, beyond ideological representations, a multidisciplinary and updated insight into African strategic horizons, through political and economic dynamics from international, continental and regional points of view, according to the most appropriate documentation available, although sometimes controversial.
Besides, learners will be able to realize that Africa is moving from dependence on development aid to trade-driven economic growth embedded in economic globalisation, private sector investments so that it is no longer the final destination of international aid and solidarity, but the place par excellence for global investment.
Finally, because of the impact of circular economy on the economy and on the social development of Africa, students will see how the fourth industrial revolution offers Africa the opportunity to accelerate economic transformation in productivity and growth for both domestic consumption and export. Actually, mandatory reforms, to be implemented by African leaders, will include mobilising more and better domestic resources, diversifying the economy, building adequate infrastructure and logistics networks, increasing regional economic and political integration, managing climate change and the unique urbanisation process with the strong emergence of intermediary cities. In regards of cities’ transformation, the issues of adaptation, resilience and infrastructure development will be focused too.
Criteri Necessari per l'Assegnazione del Lavoro Finale
Strong interest in the subject of African Studies.
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