Morlino Leonardo
Professore Emerito
Curriculum Vitae
1978/79 - Visiting fellow, Dept. of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA.
1976 - Summer School in Quantitative Analysis, Dept. of Political Science, Essex University, Colchester, UK.
1972 - First Summer School in Comparative Politics, directed by professor Stein Rokkan, at the Zentral Archiv, Koln, Germany.
1970/71 - Advanced Courses in political science and sociology, organized by the Cini Foundation (Venice) and the Centro di Studi Economico e Sociali, CESES (Milan).
1970 - Graduation in Political Sciences, University of Naples, with summa cum laude; dissertation on “The Liberal Right during the Giolittean Era”.
Academic Honors and Awards
2019 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad de Guerrero, Acapulco, Mexico.
2018 - Award as Professor Emeritus, Luiss G. Carli, Rome, Italy.
2015 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), La Paz, Bolivia.
2015 - Awardee of “2015 G. O’Donnell Chair”, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
2014 - Appointment as Distinguished Lecturer, John Cabot University, Rome.
2013 - Appointment as life member of Mexican Association of Political Sciences (AMECIP).
2012 - Award for Scientific Achievements in Political Science by the Chilean Association of Political Science.
2012 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
2012/15 - Jean Monnet Ad Personam Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2012 - Honorary Member of Tunisian Association of Political Science.
2012 - Life member of International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2012 - Dartmouth Medal - Honorable Mention (Library Journal Best Reference 2011) for The International Encyclopedia of Political Science.
2010 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.
2010 - “Profesor Honorario” of the Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010 - Award for Academic Achievements and Contribution to the development of political science by the Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Politico, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010 - “Huespes de Honor” of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010/11 - Monte de Paschi Fellowship, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University, UK.
2009 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
2007 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
2004 - Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2004 - ‘Basilicata Award’ to Democrazie e Democratizzazioni (2003) for best book in Contemporary Politics.
2003 - ‘Arco’ Award for accomplishment in profession.
1998 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
1995 - Ministry of Education fellowship at the Hoover Institution, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1989/90 - NATO fellowship at the Center for European Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1978/79 - Ford fellowship at the Dept. of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA.
1976 - ECPR fellowship, Summer School in Quantitative Analysis, Colchester, UK.
1972 - European Consortium for Political Research fellowship, Summer School in Comparative Politics (Koln, Germany).
1970/71 - Centro di Politica Comparata fellowship, Florence.
1969/70 - CESES fellowship, Milan.
Teaching Activities
2012/15 - Ad Personam Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2010/17 - Professor of Political Science at Department of Political Sciences, LUISS ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy.
2009 - Visiting Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (France).
2007 - Visiting Professor, Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Madrid (Spain).
2006/10 - Professor of Political Science at Istituto di Scienze Umane, Florence, Italy.
2005/10 - Director of the Doctoral Program in Political Science at Istituto di Scienze Umane, Florence, Italy.
2004/07 - Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies at the University of Florence, by appointment of European Union Commission.
2002/03 - Bechtel Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1999/ - Visiting Professor, Stanford University Overseas Study Program, Florence.
1998/00 - Co-director of the European Summer School in Comparative Politics.
1996/04 - Director of the Italian Doctoral Program in Political Science.
1996/00 - Visiting Professor, New York University in Florence.
1995/96 - Visiting Professor at the Juan March Institute, Madrid (Spain).
1993/95 - Visiting Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (France).
1986/06 - Full Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1983/87 - Deputy Director of the Italian Doctoral Program in Political Science.
1983 - Lecturer at the Summer School in Comparative Politics, European University Institute, Florence.
1981/86 - Visiting Professor of Political Science, California University in Florence.
1978/86 - Associate Professor (with tenure) of Political Science, University of Florence.
1975/78 - Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1973/75 - Assistant Professor (with tenure) of Political Science, University of Florence.
1972/73 - Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1971/72 - Assistant Professor of Dottrina dello Stato, University of Florence.
Research Activities
2017/ - co-director of “Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law (RECONNECT)”, HORIZON 2020 Call “EURO-1-2017”.
2014/ - co-director of “The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Fiscal Integration (EMUSCEUS”, HORIZON 2020 Call “EURO-1-2014”.
2012/16 - director of international research on “Democratic Crises and Quality of Democracy in Europe”, with a grant of Minister of Education, University and Research for projects of national interest.
2012/13 - director of a research team on “Developing a new index of Political Risk”.
2009/13 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in Latin America.
2009/14 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in in European Large democracies
2009/11 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in East Asia.
2007/9 - co-director of the international research group on Inter-institutional accountability in Eastern Europe;
2007/9 - director of the research group on Qualità della democrazia e diritti sociali in Toscana;
2007/8 - member of the research group on The state of democracy in Trentino;
2003/07 - director of the international research group on Democratization through Region Building. The European Experience, Center on Development, Democracy, and Rule of Law, Stanford University;
2003/06 - director of the international research group on Europeanization and Representation: The Peripheral Europe;
2003/05 - co-director of the international research group on The Quality of Democracy. A Comparative Approach, Center on Development, Democracy, and Rule of Law, Stanford University;
2002/06 - director of the Observatory on parties and party changes in Italy, University of Florence;
1999/01- director of the Research Group on Rights and the Quality of Democracy in Italy, financed by IDEA, Stockholm (Sweden);
1999/05 - director of the international research group on The Europeanization of Southern Europe: National and Local Actors;
1998/06 - director of the research group on The Transformation of Italian parties: organization, identities, strategies;
1996/98 - member of the international research group on Centers and Peripheries in Southern Europe;
1995/96 - director of the research group on Crises and Protest in Southern Europe;
1993/94 - Member of the research group on Industrial Policies and European Integration of Largest Democracies;
1993/94 - member of the international research group on Mediterranean Regions and European Integration;
1989/97 - director of the research group on Party organization and Political Change in Italy;
1987/89 - director of the research group on History and Developments of Political Science in Italy (1945-89);
1986/88 - member of the international research group on Modern Europe After Fascism;
1984/86 - member of the international research group on The Political Culture of Southern Europe: A Four Nation Survey;
1984/90 - director of the research group on Interests and Regime Consolidation in Italy;
1982/84 - director of the research group on Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe;
1976/81 - individual research on Democratic Crises in Europe during the 1930s: Italy, Germany, and Spain;
1975/76 - individual research on Development, Modernization and Regime Change. A Conceptual Analysis;
1971/75 - individual research on The Empirical Conditions of Political Stability in Western Europe After World War Two.
Other Professional Activities
2020/ - member of the editorial board of the Journal of Contemporary Governance and Public Policy
2020/ - editor of Luiss Open, a research magazine
2019/ - member of the editorial board of Estancias. Revista de Investigación en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales – Mexico.
2018/ - member of the editorial board of Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft.
2018/ - member of the editorial board of Revue Tunisienne de Science Politique.
2017/ - member of the international editorial board of Revista IUS – Mexico.
2016/ - member of the editorial board of Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales.
2015/18 - Vice Rector (Research), Libera Università di Studi Sociali ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy
2014/ - member of the editorial board of the series “Studi Internazionali e comparati”, Perugia Stranieri University Press.
2013/5 - member of the international working group to draft a proposal of Ley del Código Electoral y Código Procesal Electoral, appointed by the Constitutional Committee of the Congress of Republic of Perú.
2013/ - member of the international editorial board of Democracias.
2013/5 - President, Florence Institute on Democracy and Innovation, Florence.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of Contemporary Italian Politics.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of South East European Journal of Political Science.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of Connexe: autour des espaces postcommunistes.
2012/15 - Vice Rector (Research), Libera Università di Studi Sociali ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy
2012/13 - member of the Committee of Concours d’Aggregation en Science Politique, France.
2012/ - President of Red de Estudios sobre la Calidad de la Democracia en América Latina, a network of Latin American scholars.
2012/13 - President of Red Euro-Latinoamericana de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGob), a network of European and Latin American research institutions.
2012/ - member of scientific advisory board, “Fondazione Bruno Visentini”.
2012/14 - Past President, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2012/ - member of international advisory board of research on “Varieties of Democracy”.
2012/ - member of the editorial board of Politikon, the IAPSS Journal of Political Science.
2012/ - member of the editorial board of “Globalization, Europe and Multilateralism”, a series of Ashgate, London.
2011/ - President of scientific advisory board, Centre for Media and Communication Studies “Massimo Baldini”.
2011/ - Director, Executive Programs, School of Government, LUISS ‘G.Carli’, Rome.
2011/ - member of international board of consulting editors, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier.
2011/ - member of the editorial board of Academic Alternatives (Bucarest, Romania)
2011/ - member of the academic advisory board of the Community of Democracies (AAB/CD)
2011/ - member of the editorial board of the International Political Science Review (IPSR).
2011/ - Director, International Centre on Democracies and Democratizations (ICEDD).
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Revista Española de Ciencia Política.
2010/ - member of the scientific committee of the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Qualità della Vita (Italian Association for Studying the Quality of Life)
2010/ - member of the steering committee, ECPR Standing Group on democratic innovation
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Swiss Political Science Review.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Regions & Cohesion.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Journal of Democracy.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of International Political Science Abstracts.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of Revista Regiones.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of The Annual Review of Political and Military Sociology.
2009/12 - President, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2008/ - founder and co-chair of the Società per lo Studio per la Diffusione della Democrazia (Society for Studying the Diffusion of Democracy – SSDD)
2008 - nomination as a candidate to 2009 election for the President of International Political Science Association (IPSA), to be held in Santiago (Chile), July 2009.
2008/18 - President, Academic Council of Eunomia Foundation, Florence, Italy.
2008/ - member of Scientific Council of Consortium on Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion (RISC), Luxembourg.
2008/12 - member of the editorial board of Bulletin of Italian Politics.
2008/ - member of the editorial board of Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
2008/ - member of the editorial board of Portuguese Journal of Social Science.
2007/10 - member of SH2 Panel, Starting Grant of European Research Council, Research Directorate General, European Commission, Bruxelles.
2007/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Comparative Sociology.
2007/ - member of the editorial Advisory board of International Political Anthropology.
2007/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Revista de Ciencia Política (Chile).
2006/11 - member of scientific committee of Research Unit on European Governance (URGE), Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation (Turin, Italy).
2006/09 - First Vice-president, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2005/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Parliamentary Affairs.
2005/ - member of the editorial board of Democracy and Security.
2004/ - member of the editorial board of Pole Sud.
2003/06 - Vice Rector, University of Florence, Italy
2003/06 - director of European Center of Excellency at University of Florence
2003/09 - member of the executive committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2001/02 - member of the committee for the governance of the University of Florence
2000/ - member of the editorial board of Central European Political Science Review
1998/ 01 - President of the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP)
1999/ - director of the Research Center on Southern Europe (CIRES), University of Florence.
1998 - chairman of the committee for the change of the Statute of the University of Florence
1995/ - member of the editorial board of South European Society and Politics.
1992/95 - Dean of the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “C.Alfieri”, Firenze.
1992/ - member of the editorial board of Teoria Politica
1992/02 - director of the Center for the European Documentation
1988/91 - member of the executive committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
1987/95 - member of the subcommittee on Southern Europe, Social Science Research Council, USA.
1986/91 - co-editor, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
1986/ - member of the Editorial board, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
1985/91 - member of the executive committee, Italian Society of Political Science (SISP).
1981/2011- member of the editorial committee in Political Science, Il Mulino Publishing House.
1979/81 - member of the Executive Committee, Italian Society of Political Science (SISP).
1977/86 - chief managing editor, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
Foreign Languages
English: spoken, written.
French: spoken, written.
Spanish: spoken, written.
Portuguese: passive knowledge.
List of Publications
10.2020 – Equality, Freedom and Democracy. Europe After the Great Recession, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
9.2018 – Comparison. An Methodological Introduction for the Social Sciences,Leverkusen and London, Barbara Budrich Publisher (Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020).
8.2014 – La calidad de las democracias en América Latina. Informe para IDEA (English translation: The Quality of Democracies in Latin America. A Report for IDEA, 2016) Stockholm, International IDEA.
7.2011 – Changes for Democracy. Actors, Structures and Processes, Oxford, Oxford University Press (reprinted 2012; Italian translation, 2014; Spanish translation 2019).
6.2005 – Introduzione alla ricerca comparata, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish translation 2010; French translation 2013).
5.2003 – Democrazie e democratizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino (first Spanish translation 2005, second Spanish edition 2009; Romanian transl. 2015).
4.1998 – Democracy Between Consolidation and Crisis. Parties, Groups, and Citizens in Southern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008).
3.1985 – Como cambian los regimenes politicos, Madrid, CEC (revised Spanish version of 1980 book).
2.1981 – Dalla democrazia all’autoritarismo. Il caso spagnolo in prospettiva comparata, Bologna, Il Mulino.
1.1980 – Come cambiano i regimi politici. Strumenti di analisi, Milan, Angeli Editore.
8.2017 – The Impact of the Economic Crisis on South European Democracies, London, Palgrave (Italian transl. 2018).
7.2017 – Political Science, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications (Italian transl. 2018).
6.2009 – Qualità della Democrazia e Innovazione Locale, Padova, Edizioni Sapere.
5.2004 – Fondamenti di Scienza Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino.
4.2001 – Scienza Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino (new ed. 2008).
3.2001 – Rights and the Quality of Democracy in Italy. A Report, Stockolm, IDEA.
2.1990 – Le elezioni nel mondo 1982-1989, Florence, Edizioni della Giunta Regionale Toscana.
1.1986 – Manuale di Scienza della Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish transl.: Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1988).
7. 2009 - Istituzioni, Partiti, e Società civile, by Seymour M. Lipset, Bologna, Il Mulino.
6.2000 – Transizione e consolidamento democratico, by J.J. Linz e A. Stepan, Italian translation, Bologna, Il Mulino.
5.1998 – Un’occasione mancata? Intervista sulle riforme costituzionali to Giovanni Sartori, Bari, Laterza.
4.1997/2004 – Partiti e sistemi di partito in Italia. Le trasformazioni organizzative, 4 voll., Bologna, Il Mulino.
3.1995 – Laurea in Scienze Politiche. Identità e sbocchi professionali, Firenze, Editrice La Giuntina.
2.1991 – Costruire la democrazia. Gruppi e partiti in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
1.1989 – Scienza Politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli.
22.2020 – The Politics of the Eurozone Crisis in Southern Europe. A Comparative Reappraisal, with C. Sottilotta, London, Palgrave Macmillan(Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020).
21.2020 – Calidad de la democracia en América Latina. Una nueva mirada, with Gloria de la Fuente and Marianne Kneuer, Santiago (Chile), Fondo de Cultura Económica.
20.2020 – Polarización, radicalización y populismo, with Marcelo Cavarozzi and Juan Russo, a special issue of Revista Euro latinoamericana de Análisis Social y Político (RELASP), 1 (1).
19.2020 – Handbook of Political Science, with Dik Berg-Schlosser and Bertrand Badie, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications, 3 vols.
18.2020 – The politics of the Eurozone crisis in Southern Europe: A comparative reappraisal, with Cecilia Sottilotta, London, Palgrave MacMillan.
17.2017 – Calidad de la Democracia en América Latina, Curitiba (Brazil), Editora CRV.
16.2015 – The American Exceptionalism Revisited, Rome, Viella.
15.2013 – La qualità della democrazia in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
14. 2011 – The quality of Democracy in Asia Pacific, with Björn Dressel Riccardo Pelizzo, a special issue of International Political Science Review, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications.
13.2011 – Dealing with the Legacy of Authoritarianism: The ‘Politics of Past’ in Southern European Democracies. Comparative Perspectives, London, Routledge (paperback ed. 2013).
12.2011 – International Encyclopedia of Political Science, with Bertrand Badie and Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
11.2010 – The ‘Politics of the Past’ in Southern European Democracies. Comparative Perspectives, a special issue of South European Society and Politics, 15 (3).
10.2010 – Democratization and the European Union. Comparing Central and Eastern European post-communist countries, London, Routledge.
9.2010 – Rule of Law and Democracy: Internal and External Issues, special issue of Comparative Sociology, vol. 9, no.1; also expanded ed., Rule of Law and Democracy: Inquiries into Internal and External Issues, Leiden and Boston, Brill.
8.2008 – International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law. Anchoring Democracy?, London and New York, Routledge (paperback ed. 2009).
7.2007 – Party Change in Southern Europe, London and New York, Routledge.
6.2006 – Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino.
5.2006 – Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino.
4.2005 – Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press (Mongolian translation 2007).
3.1994 – L’Italia fra crisi e transizione, Bari, Laterza.
2.1991 – La comparazione nelle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish trans.: Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1994).
1.1991 – Democrazia e partiti in America Latina, Milano, Angeli.
Articles in Journals
102.2020 – “¿Una nueva ola autoritaria? Radicalización y neopopulismos en Europa y América Latina”, with Juan Russo, in Revista Euro latinoamericana de Análisis Social y Político (RELASP), 1 (1): pp.17-34.
101.2020 – “Crisi economica, disuguaglianza generazionale e conseguenze politiche”, with Francesco Raniolo, in SINAPPSI - Connessioni tra ricerca e politiche pubbliche, 9 (3):14-24.
101.2020 – “Neopopulismo y calidad de la democracia”, with Francesco Raniolo, in Estancias. In Revista de Investigación en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 1 (1), 15-52.
100.2019 – “Southern Europe and the Eurozone Crisis Negotiations: Preference Formation and Contested Issues”, with Cecilia Sottilotta, South European Society and Politics, 24(1):1-28.
99.2018 – “Las democracias en America Latina: un balance con consecuencias políticas”, in SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Rivista Italiana di Sociologia, 9 (17): 27-42.
98.2017 – “Why transitions to democracy fail? A tribute to Pietro Grilli”, in Italian Political Science, online, 1.09.
97.2016 – “What is the impact of the economic crisis on democracy? Evidence from Europe”, with Mario Quaranta, in International Political Science Review, 37 (5): 618-33.
96.2015 – “Qualidades da democracia: como analisá-las”, in Sociedade e Cultura, 18 (2):177-194.
95.2015 – “Dissenso e Magistratura”, in Questione Giustizia, 4:75-83.
94.2015 – “Transiciones democraticas: entre cuestiones te?ricas y análisis empirico”, in Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 39:17-42.
93.2015 – “Transitions to Democracy. What Theory to Grasp Complexity?”, in Historein, 15(1): 13-31.
92.2015 – “Changes for Democracy: Are There Hibrid Regimes?”, Central European Political Science Review, 16 (60): 14-49.
91.2015 – “¿Como Analizar las calidades democraticas?”, in Revista Latinoamericana de Política Comparada, 10: 13-36.
90.2014 – “Economic Crisis in a Stalemated Democracy: The Italian Case”, with D. Piana, in American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (12):1657-1682.
89.2014 – “The Non-Procedural Determinants of Responsiveness”, with M. Quaranta, in West European Politics, 37 (2): 331–360.
88.2013 – “On Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson “Why Nations Fail”. A Politological Reading”, in Stato e Mercato, 33(3): 495-502.
87.2013 – “Linz: what have we learnt from him?”, in Italian Political Science (, 8(2).
86.2013 – “The impossible transition and the unstable new mix: Italy 1992–2012”, in Comparative European Politics, 11(3): 337–359.
85.2012 – “Calidad Democrática entre L?deres y Partidos”, in Revista Paraguaya de Sociología, 137: 43-66.
84.2011 – “Observando las diferentes calidades de la democracia”, in Revista Mexicana de Analisis Politico y Administracion Publica, 1(1): 9-48.
83.2011 – “Quality of Democracy in Asia-Pacific: Issues and Findings”, with R. Pelizzo, in The quality of democracy in Asia-Pacific, a special issue of International Political Science Review, 32 (5):491-511.
82.2011 – “Per non dimenticare Bentley: dai gruppi alle politiche”, in Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 10 (2): 397-406.
81.2011 – “Analyzing Democratic Qualities”, in Central European Political Science Review, 12 (44): 9-45.
80.2010 – “Authoritarian Legacies, Politics of Past, and Quality of Democracy in Southern Europe: Open Conclusions”, in South European Society and Politics, 15 (3): 507-529.
79.2010 – “Autorità e legittimità tra consolidamento e crisi”, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 51 (4): 571-598.
78. 2009 – “Legitimacy and the Quality of Democracy “, in International Social Science Journal, 60 (June):211-222.
77.2009 – “The Quality of Democracy: An Agenda for Future Research?” in Participation, 33 (2): 3-4
76.2009 – “La classificazione dei regimi politici: fondamenti teorici e sviluppi empirici”, in Quaderno dell’Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 19: 75-88.
75.2009 – “Transition from democracy to democracy: is it possible in Italy?”, in Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 (1): 7-27.
74.2009 – “The Quality of Democracies in Europe. A Research Report”, in Italian Political Science, 2 (3):1-6.
73.2009 – “La Calidad de la Democracia”, in Claves de Razón Prática, 193: 26-35.
72.2009 – “Are There Hybrid Regimes? Or Are They Just An Optical Illusion?” in European Political Science Review, 1 (2):273-96.
71.2008 – “¿Regímenes Híbridos o Regímenes en Transición?”, in Sistema, 207: 3-22.
70.2008 – “Democracia, Calidad, Seguridad: Presupuestos Y Problemas”, in Sistema, 203-204: 21-34.
69.2008 – “Regimi Ibridi o regimi in transizione?” in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 38 (2): 169-190.
68.2008 – “Democracy and Changes: How Research Tails Reality”, in West European Politics, 31(1-2): 40-59.
67.2007 – “Explicar la calidad democrática: ¿qué tan relevantes son las tradiciones autoritarias?”, in Revista de Ciencia Política, 27 (2), 3-22.
66.2007 – “La qualità della democrazia: presupposti e problemi teorici”, in Quaderno dell’ Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari. Seminario 2006, 17: 129-41.
65.2006 – (co-author), “What Changes in South European Parties. A Comparative Introduction”, in Party Change in Southern Europe, a double special issue of South European Society and Politics, 11 (3-4): 331-358.
64.2006 – (coauthor), “Europeanization and Territorial Representation in Italy”, in West European Politics, 29 (4): 757-783.
63.2006 – (coauthor), “Européisation et représentation territoriale en Italie”, in Pôle Sud, 24 (1): 99-120.
62.2005 – “Anchors, Anchoring and Democratic Change”, Comparative Political Studies, 38 (7): 743-770. (Spanish transl.: “Anclaje institucional y consolidaci?n democrática”, in Temas Selectos de la Teoria Politica Contemporanea, edited by Gabriel Pérez, Ediciones E?n, Mexico City, 2013)
61.2005 – “Spiegare la qualità democratica: quanto sono rilevanti le tradizioni autoritarie?”, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 25 (3): 191-212 .
60. 2004 – “Giappone e Italia: quale comparazione, quale teoria?.Commento a ‘Machiavelli’s Children. Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan’ di Richard J. Samuels“,in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 24 (2): 285-90.
59.2004 – “Alternativas No Democraticas ” in Postdata. Revista de Reflexión y Análisis Político, December:149-183.
58.2004 – “The Quality of Democracy. An Overview”, with L. Diamond, special issue of Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 20-31.
57.2004 – “What is a ‘Good’ Democracy?”, special issue of Democratization, 11(5): 10-32.
56.2004 – “’Good’ and ‘Bad’ Democracies: How to Conduct Research into the Quality of Democracy”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20 (1): 5-27.
55.2003 – “What is a “Good” Democracy? Theory and the Case of Italy”, South European Society & Politics, 8 (3): 1-32.
54.2003 – ”Effets de l’Européanization sur la représentation politique en Europe du Sud”, Pole Sud, 19: 79-96.
53.2002 – “Democratic Anchoring: How to Analyze Consolidation and Crisis”, Central European Political Science Review, 3 (10): 6-39.
52.2002 – “Democrazia e spiegazioni”, Quaderno di Studi Parlamentari, Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 13: 199-213.
51.2002 – “Crisi democratica e teoria dell’ancoraggio”, Quaderno di Studi Parlamentari, Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 12: 101-118.
50.2001 – “Consolidamento Democratico: la teoria dell’ancoraggio”, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 8 (2): 217-47.
49.2001 - “Consolidation Démocratique: La Théorie de l’Ancrage ”, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 8 (2): 245-267.
48.2000 – “Consolidaciòn democratica: la teorìa del anclaje”, Revista Argentina de Ciencia Politica, 4: 9-34.
47.2000 – “Architectures constitutionelles et politiques democratiques en Europe de l’Est”, Revue Fran?aise de Science Politique, 50 (4-5): 679-711.
46.2000 – “How we are or how we say that we are. The post-war comparative politics of Hans Daalder and others”, European Journal of Political Research, 37 (4): 497-516.
45.1998 - “Come siamo ovvero come ci raccontiamo. La politica comparata di Daalder, e altri (1945-1995)”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 28 (3): 543-566.
44.1997 - “Is There an Impact? And Where is it? Electoral Reform and the Party System in Italy”, South European Society and Politics, 2 (3): 103-131.
43.1996 - “Crisis of Parties and Change of Party System in Italy”, Party Politics, 2 (1): 5-30.
42.1996 - “The Dissatisfied Society. Protest and Support in Italy”, with Marco Tarchi, European Journal of Political Research, 30 (1): 41-63.
41.1996 - “Democratic Consolidation and Convergence in Southern Europe: The Italian Case”, Democratization, 3 (3): 189-214.
40.1996 - “Legitimacy and Democracy in Southern Europe”, with José Ramon Montero, Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas - English Edition, 1(1): 11-48.
39.1995 - “Consolidation and Party Government in Southern Europe”, International Political Science Review, 16 (2): 145-67.
38.1994 - “Legittimità, consolidamento e crisi nell’Europa Meridionale”, with José Ramon Montero, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 24 (1): 27-66.
37.1993 - “Legitimacion y democracia en el Sur de Europa”, with José Ramon Montero, in Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 64: 7-40.
36.1992 - “Vecchio e nuovo autoritarismo nel Sud Europa”, with Franco Mattei, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 22 (1): 137-60.
35.1992 - “Political Science in Italy: Tradition and Empiricism”, in Political Science in Western Europe 1960-90, special issue of the European Journal of Political Research, 20 (2): 341- 358.
34.1992 - “I partiti nella transizione”, Società e politica in America Latina, special issue of Views, 2: 19-34.
33.1992 - “Consolidaçoes democraticas. Indicaçoes teoricas para anàlise empirica”, in Dados, 35 (2): 145-171.
32.1992 - “Partidos, grupos y consolidaciòn democratica in Italia”, in Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 13 (Sep.-Dec.): 73-102.
31.1991 - “La scienza politica italiana: tradizione e realtà”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 21(1): 70-102.
30.1990 - “Problemi e scelte nella comparazione”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 20 (3): 381-395.
29.1988 - “Individui, gruppi e rappresentanza nelle democrazie attuali”, Rassegna dell’Economia Lucana, 26 (1): 21-43.
28.1986 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-dicembre 1985”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 16: 105-27.
27.1986 - “Consolidamento democratico. Definizione e modelli”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 16 (2): 197-238.
26.1986 - “Sei nuove democrazie sfidano il passato”, Biblioteca della Libertà, 21(Jan.-March): 83-90.
25.1986 - “Consolidamento democratico: alcune ipotesi esplicative”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 16 (3): 439-459.
24.1986 - “Consolidacion democratica. Definicion, modelos, hipothesis”, Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 35: 7-61.
23.1985 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1984”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 14: 131-43.
22.1985 - “Il sistema politico. Uno strumento per capire?”, Mondoperaio, 38 (6).
21.1985 - “Consolidacion democratica: definicion y modelos”, Contribuciones - CIEDLA, 1: 37-43.
20.1985 - “?Cual es la crisis democratica de Italia?”, Critica y Utopia, 13: 65-106.
19.1984 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1983”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 12: 87-99.
18.1984 - “The Changing Relationships Between Parties and Society in Italy”, West European Politics, 7 (4): 46-66.
17.1984 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1984”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 13: 109-19.
16.1984 - “Toward Democracy in Latin America: A Model with Several Variables”, Politica Internazionale, Engl. ed., 2:77-90.
15.1983 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1982”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 10: 93-108.
14.1983 - “Etiology and Outcomes of Protest”, with Keith Webb et al., American Behavioral Scientist, 27 (3): 311-331.
13.1983 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1983”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 11: 97-118.
12.1983 - “Un modello a più variabili”, Dossier: La transizione in America Latina, special issue of Politica Internazionale, 6: 53-64.
11.1982 - “Una democrazia fragile: la Spagna”, Mondoperaio, 35(9).
10.1982 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1982”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 9: 180-94.
9.1981 - “Spagna: il ruolo della monarchia”, Mondoperaio, 34(5).
8.1979 - “La crisi della democrazia”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 9 (1): 37-70.
7.1979 - “Regimi politici e libertà”, La democrazia nel mondo. Un censimento, special issue of Biblioteca della Libertà, 16 (74-75): 5-26.
6.1975 - “Misure di democrazia e di libertà: discussione di alcune analisi empiriche”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5(1): 132-66.
5.1975 - “Categorie e dimensioni del mutamento politico”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5 (2): 277-324.
4.1975 - “Crisi e mutamento politico”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5 (3): 545-61.
3.1973 - “Stabilità, legittimità ed efficacia decisionale nei sistemi democratici”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 3 (2): 247-316.
2.1972 - “Alcuni sviluppi teorici nella scienza politica americana”, Il Mulino, 220: 319-46.
1.1971 - “I limiti dell’eredità di Gobetti”, Biblioteca della Libertà, 8 (32): 51-67.
Chapters in books
132.2021 – “Introduzione. Per leggere Azione Politica”, in M. Walzer, Azione Politica, Roma, Luiss University Press, pp. 13-30.
131. 2020 –“Populism and Democracy in Europe”, with Davide Vittori, in D. Albertazzi and D. Vampa, eds., Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe, London, Routledge.
130.2020 – “Policy Responsiveness and Democratic Quality”, in M. Cotta and F. Russo, eds., Research Handbook on Political Representation, London, Edward Edgar Publisher, pp.48-57.
129.2020 – “Neo-Populism and Subversion of Democratic Quality” (with F. Raniolo), in Paul Blokker and Manuel Anselmi eds., Multiple Populisms. Italy as Democracy’s Mirror, London, Routledge, pp. 31-49.
128.2019 – 2019 – “Introduction” (with Cecilia Sottilotta), to The politics of the Eurozone crisis in Southern Europe: A comparative reappraisal, edited with Cecilia Sottilotta, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-11.
127.2019 – “Grande Recessione e Democrazia. Dieci anni dopo l’inizio”, in G. Allegretti, L. Fasano, M. Sorice, eds., Politica oltre la politica, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp-39-49.
126.2019 – ” Parties and Democracies in Southern Europe after the ‘Great Recession’” in Anne Weyembergh, Jean-Michel De Waele, Giovanni Grevi, Frederik Ponjaert, eds., Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20th to the 21st Century. Liber Amicorum Mario Telò, vol. 2: Reflections on the Future of Social Democracy in Europe, Bruxelles Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, pp. 25-35.
125.2019 – “Democratic Consolidation”, in W. Merkel, R. Kollmorgen, H-J. Wagener, eds., The Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
124.2018 – “Le XXI siècle, thèâtre d’un changement du climat politique international? La democratie face à l’auticrazia, with D. Berg-Schlosser, in Un monde fragmenté. Autour de la sociologie des Relations internationales de Bertrand Badie, edited by D. Allès, R. Malejacq, S.Paquin, Paris, CNRS Éditions, pp.201-18.
123.2018 - “As Democracias na América Latina: um balanço com consequências políticas” in L. de Oliveira Xavier, C. F. Domínguez Avila, V. Fonseca, eds., A Qualidade da Democracia no Brasil: questões teóricas e metodológicas da pesquisa, Brasilia, Editora CRV, vol. 3, pp. 91-102.
122.2018 – “Economic Crisis and Democracy: How to Analyze the Impact of the former on the latter”, in L. Tomini and G. Sandri, eds., Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century, London, Routledge, pp. 88-104.
121.2017 – “SARTORI, Giovanni”, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Treccani.
120.2017 – “Wirtschaftskrise und Demokratie: Eine Wirkungsanalyse”, in A. Croissant, S. Kneip, A. Petring eds., Demokratie, Diktatur; Gerechtigkeit. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel, Wiesbaden, Springer, pp. 447-66.
119.2016– “La qualità della democrazia e il cambiamento politico”, in E. Mannari (ed.), Lezioni sulla democrazia, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 35-43.
118.2016 – “¿Cómo Analizar las Calidades Democráticas?”, in C. Dominguez Avila (ed.), A Qualidade da Democracia no Brasil: Questöes Te?ricas e Metod?logicas da Pequisa, vol. 1, Curitiba (Brazil), Editora CRV, pp.19-46.
117. 2016 – “Conclusion - What have we learnt, and where do we go from here?”, with Hanspeter Kriesi, in M. Ferrin and H.Kriesi eds., How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.307-25.
116.2016 – “El impacto de la crisis económica en la democracia española: un marco analítico”, in Francisco J. Llera Ramo, ed., Desafecci?n Política y Regeneraci?n Democratica en la España Actual: Diagnosticos y Propuestas, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp.31-47.
115.2015 – “Introduction”, in M. Fantoni and L. Morlino eds., The American Exceptionalism Revisited, Rome, Viella, pp.11-22.
114. 2015 – “What Qualities of Democracy in Latin America? Mixing quantitative and qualitative analyses”, in Carlos Dominguez Avila, ed., Política, Cultura e Sociedade na América Latina. Estudos interdisciplinares e comparativos, Rio de Janeiro, Editora CRV.
113.2014 – “Linz: what have we learnt from him?”, in Juan J. Linz: Scholar, Teacher, Friend, edited by H.E. Chehabi,Cambridge, T? Aur Press, pp. 284-90.
112. 2014 – “La democracia, su consolidación y Una vida difícil en Italia”, in M. Alcantara y S. Mariani (editores), La politica va al cine,Lima, Universidad del Pacifico.
111. 2014 – “Transizione in stallo e conseguente instabilità”, in La transizione politica italiana. Da Tangentopoli a oggi, edited by M. Almagisti, L. Lanzalaco, L. Verzichelli, Roma, Carocci, pp.197- 221.
110.2013 – “Do authoritarian legacies account for quality of democracy? Additional remarks on Southern Europe”, in Ciências Sociais: Vocação e Profissão. Homagem a Manuel Villaverde Cabral, edited by Pedro Alcantara da Silva and Filipe Carreira da Silva, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciêencias Sociais, pp. 413-432.
109.2013 – “Legados Autoritários, política do passado e qualidade da Democracia na Europa do Sul”, in O passado que não passa. A sombra das ditaduras na Europa do Sul e na America Latina, edited by Ant?nio Costa Pinto e Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Civilização Brasileira, pp. 261-294.
108.2013 – “L’impossible transition et le nouveau compromis instable: l’Italie de 1992 à 2012”, in L’état de la démocratie en Italie, edited by Mario Telò, Giulia Sandri and Luca Tomini, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, pp. 69-87.
107.2012 – “Epitafio para un enfoque exitoso: El sistema politico”, in Repensar la Ciencia Pol?tica, edited by Jorge Sánchez and Juan Russo, Mexico, Instituto Electoral del Estado de Guerrero, pp. 97-124.
106.2011 – “Hybrid Regimes”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
105.2011 – “Democracy, Quality”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
104.2011 – (coauthor) “Political Science”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
103.2011 – “A Demokrácia Minöségi Elemeinek Vizsgálata”, in Simon János, ed., Húsz ?ve Szabadon Közép-Európàdan, Nyomda, Konrad Adenauer Alapítvány, pp-58-81.
102.2010 – (co-author), “La qualità della democrazia in Italia. Tra leader e partiti”, in M. Castagna, ed., Uscire dalla Seconda Repubblica, Roma, Carocci, pp. 58-80.
101.2010 – “Are There Hibrid Regimes? Or Are They Just An Optical Illusion”, in E. Baracani, ed., Democratization and Hybrid Regimes. International Anchoring and Domestic Dynamics in European Post-Soviet States, Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, pp. 25-55.
100.2010 – “Democratization Theory, Quality of Democracy, and Survey Research. Still Separated Tables?” in J. A. Moises, ed., Democracia e Confiança: Por que os Cidadãos Desconfiam das Instituições Públicas?, Sao Paulo, Editora da USP, pp. 23-44.
99.2010 – (co-author), “Introduction” , in Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries, edited by L. Morlino and W. Sadurski, London, Routledge, pp. 1-15.
98.2010 – (coauthor), “Conclusions”, in L. Morlino and W. Sadurski, eds., Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries, London, Routledge, 2010, pp.216-41.
97.2010 – “The Two 'Rules of Law' Between Transition to and Quality of Democracy” in L. Morlino and G. Palombella, eds., Rule of Law and Democracy: Inquiries into Internal and External Issues, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2010, p.39-64.
96.2009 – “Calidad democrática entre líderes y partidos”, in Carmen Maganda and Harlan Koff, eds., Perspectivas Comparativas del Liderazgo, Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 25-47.
95.2009 – “Introduzione. Lipset teorico della democrazia, non solo americana.” in Seymour M. Lipset, Istituzioni, Partiti, e Società civile, edited by L. Morlino, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.7-37.
94.2009 – “¿Regimenes híbridos o regimenes en transición?”, in Alfonso Guerra and José Felix Tezanos, eds., La Calidad de la Democracia. Las Democracias del Siglo XXI, Madrid, Editorial Sistema, pp. 135-160.
93.2009 – “Democracy and Changes: How Research Tails Reality”, in Klaus H. Goetz, Peter Mair and Gordon Smith, eds., European Politics. Pasts, Presents, Futures, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 40-59.
92.2009 – “Political Parties”, in Christian W. Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald F. Inglehart, Christian Welzel and, eds., Democratization, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 201-18.
91.2009 – “Prolusione: Democrazia, Qualità, Sicurezza: Presupposti e Problemi”, in Annuario della Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, anno accademico 2007-2008, Roma, Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, pp. 48-71.
90.2008 – “Preface” (with A. Magen), in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp. xii-xvi..
89.2008 – “Hybrid Regimes, the Rule of Law, and External Influence on Domestic Change” (with A. Magen), in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp. 1-25.
88.2008 – (co-author) “Methods of Influence, Layers of Impact, Cycles of Change: A Framework for Analysis”, in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp.26-52.
87.2008 – (co-author) “Scope, Depth and Limits of External Influence - Conclusions”, in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy? edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp 224-58.
86.2008 – Calidad Democrática Entre L?deres y Partidos”, in Partidos Politicos y Calidad de la Democracia. Mexico, Serie Conferencias Magistrales, Instituto Federal Electoral, 11-56.
85.2008 – “Prefación” to Edgar Alfonso Hernández, Los Usos Politicos de la Pobreza. Politica Social y Cleintelismo Electoral en La Alternancia, Mexico, El Colegio Mexiquense, pp.13-40.
84.2008 – "Régime hybrides ou régimes en transition?", in Mohammad-Saïd Darviche and William Genieys eds., Penser les régimes politiques, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008, pp.237-260.
83.2008 – “Institutional Theory and Comparative Democratization”, in J. Pierre, B. G. Peters, G. Stoker eds., Debating Institutionalism, Manchester, Manchester University Press, pp.176-194.
82.2008 – “Hybrid Regimes or Regimes in Transition?”, in Essays in Honor of Ergun Ozbudun, vol.1: Political Science, Ankara, Yetkin Basim Yayim ve Dagitim A.?., pp. 347-373.
81.2008 – “Authoritarian Legacies and good democracy. Southern Europe”, in M. Petricioli, ed., L’Europe Mediterranéenne, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 123-140.
80.2008 – “Democratizzazione“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
79.2008 – “Democrazia“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
78.2008 – “Regimi di transizione“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
77.2008 – “Democratizzare la democrazia”, in G. Vittadini, ed., La Verità, il Nostro Destino, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 209-13.
76.2007 – “La transizione impossibile?”, in R. D’Alimonte e A. Chiaramonte eds., Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2006, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.11-50.
75.2007 – “Comunicare quali riforme” in AA.VV, Sussidarietà e Riforme Istituzionali. Rapporto sulla Sussidarietà 2007, Milano, Mondadori, pp.23-27;
74.2007 – “Quality and Qualities in Contemporary Democracies”, in J. Marcet and J. R. Montero, eds., Roads to Democracy. A Tribute to Juan J. Linz, Barcelona, Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, pp. 125-150.
73.2007 – “Calidad de la democracia. Notas para su discusion”, in C. Cansino and I. Covarrubias eds., Por una democracia de calidad. Mexico después de la transici?n, Mexico, Centro de Estudios de Politica Comparada, pp. 27-53.
72.2007 – (co-author), “What Changes in South European Parties. A Comparative Introduction”, in Party Change in Southern Europe, London, Routledge, pp. 1-28.
71.2006 – (coauthor), “Introduzione. Europeizzazione e rappresentanza: Perché i fondi strutturali”, in V. Fargion, L. Morlino, S. Profeti eds., Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il Caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.11-60 .
70.2006 – (coauthor), “Conclusioni. I risultati della ricerca” in V. Fargion, L. Morlino, S. Profeti eds., Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il Caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, pp. 361-389.
69.2006 – (coauthor), “Introduzione”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 7-15.
68.2006 – “Qualità democratica tra leader e partiti”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 85-102.
67.2006 – “ Le tre fasi dei partiti italiani”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 105-144.
66.2006 – (coauthor), “La società insoddisfatta e i suoi nemici. I partiti nella crisi italiana”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 207-244.
65.2006 - “’Good’ and ‘Bad’ Democracies: How to Conduct Research into the Quality of Democracy”, in Derek S. Hutcheson and Elena A. Korosteleva eds., The Quality of Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 5-27.
64.2005 - (coauthor), “Introduction”, in L. Diamond and L. Morlino eds., Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.ix-xliii.
63.2005 – (co-author), “Italy and Spain”, in L. Diamond and L. Morlino eds., Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pp.85-122.
62.2005 – “Conclusão: a europeazação da Europa do Sul” in A. Costa Pinto, N. Severiano Teixeira eds., A Europa do Sul e a construção europeia de 1945 aos anos 80, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 197-215.
61.2004 – “Problematizing the Links Between Authoritarian Legacies and ‘Good’ Democracy” (with K. Hite), in P. Cesarini and K. Hite eds., Democracy and Authoritarian Legacies in Southern Europe and Latin America, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 25-83.
60.2003 - “Politica comparata e teoria istituzionale”, in A. Baldissera (ed.), La Comparazione, Milano, Angeli, pp. 89-108.
59.2002 - “The Europeanization of Southern Europe”, in A. Costa Pinto and N.S. Texeira eds., Southern Europe and the Making of the European Union 1945-1980s, New York, Columbia University Press, pp.237-260.
58.2001 – “ The Three Phases of Italian Parties”, in L. Diamond and R. Gunther, eds., Political Parties and Democracy, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 109-142.
57.2001 – “Leggi elettorali e democrazia. Dalla comparazione sincronica a quella diacronica”, in VV.AA., Il Parlamento, Padova, CEDAM, pp.17-47.
56.2001 – “Democracy, Southern European Style?”, with A. Lijphart et al., in N. P. Diamandouros and R. Gunther, eds., Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 16-82.
55.2001 – “Constitutional Design and Problems of Implementation in Southern and Eastern Europe”, in J. Zielonka, ed., Democratic Consolidations in Eastern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
54.2000 - “Sistema Politico”, in Appendice 2000. Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 680-683.
53.2000 - “Scienza della Politica”, in Appendice 2000. Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 432-434.
52.2000 – “Introduzione all’edizione italiana”, in J.J. Linz e A. Stepan, Transizione e consolidamento democratico, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. VII-XVI.
51.2000 - “Constitutions and Good Democracy in Eastern Europe”, in Michel Dobry (ed.), Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe. Lessons for the Social Sciences, Dordrecht/ Boston/London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 147-77.
50.1999 – “ITALY” in Implication of EC legislation at sub-national level. Experience of 15 EU Member States, TAIEX Publications, Bruxelles.
49.1998 - “Sistemi Politici Comparati”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. VIII, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.56-63.
48.1998 – “The Other Side of the Fascist Legacy”, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, New York, Columbia University Press, pp. 662-96.
47.1998 – “The Fascist Legacy in Italy: an Overview”, with Simona Colarizi, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, cit., pp. 457-75.
46.1998 – “Old and New Authoritarianism in Southern Europe”, with Franco Mattei, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, cit., 1752-74.
45.1997 - “Regimi Politici”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. VII, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 294-308.
44.1997 – “Freezing, Adaptation, and Change in Italian Democracy”, in Metin Heper, Ali Kazancigil, and Bert A. Rockman eds., Institutions and Democratic Statecraft, Boulder (Col., USA), Westview Press, pp. 171-90.
43.1997 – “Riforma elettorale e sistema partitico in Italia” in Gianfranco Bettin (ed.), Politica e Società. Studi in onore di Luciano Cavalli, Padova, Cedam, pp. 299-320.
42.1997 – “Party Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe”, in Eva Etzioni-Halevy (ed.), Classes & Elites in Democracy and Democratization. A Collection of Readings, New York and London, Garland Publishing Inc., pp. 205-13.
41.1996 – “Partiti, gruppi e consolidamento democratico in Italia”, in VV. AA., Studi in Onore di Alberto Predieri, Milano, Giuffré, pp. 1169-207.
40.1996 – “Politikwissenschaft in Italien - Tradition und Empirismus”, in Hans J. Lietzmann and Wilhelm Bleek eds., Politikwissenschaft. Geschichte und Entwicklung in Deutschland und Europa, Munchen and Wien, Verlag, pp. 270-92.
39.1995 – “Parties, Groups and Democratic Consolidation in Italy”, in H. E. Chehabi and A. Stepan eds., Politics, Society, and Democracy. Comparative Studies, Essays in Honor of Juan J.Linz, Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, pp. 257-78.
38.1995 – “Democratic Consolidation: Definition and Models”, in Geoffrey Pridham (ed.), Transitions to Democracy, Aldershot, Dartmouth Publishing Co., pp. 571-90.
37.1995 – Legitimacy and Democracy in Southern Europe”, with José Ramon Montero, in R. Gunther, N. Diamandouros, H.J. Puhle eds., The Politics of Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 231-60.
36.1995 – “Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe”, in R. Gunther, N. Diamandouros, H.J. Puhle eds., The Politics of Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 315-88.
35.1994 – “Italy: Tracing the Roots of the Great Transformation”, with Luciano Bardi, in R. Katz and P. Mair, eds., How Party Organize. Change and Adaptation in Party Organizations in Western Democracies, London, Sage Publications, pp.242-77.
34.1994 - ”Discipline Politologiche” in G. Martinotti and A. Quadrio Curzio eds., Guida alla Laurea in Scienze Politiche, Bologna,Il Mulino, pp.112-42.
33.1993 – “Dissenso”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. III, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.189-94.
32.1992 – “Partiti e consolidamento democratico nel Sud Europa”, in M. Calise (ed.), Come cambiano i partiti, Bologna, Il Mulino.
31.1992 – “Partidos politicos y consolidacion democratica en el Sur de Europa”, in J. Benedicto and F. Reinares, eds., Las transformaciones de lo politico, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.
30.1992 – “Italy”, with Luciano Bardi, in R. Katz and P. Mair, eds., Party Organizations. A Data Handbook on Party Organizations in Western Democracies, London, Sage Publications.
29.1992 – “Decadenza”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol.II, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.699-706.
28.1991 – “Problemi e scelte nella comparazione. Introduzione”, in G. Sartori and L. Morlino eds., La comparazione nelle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino.
27.1991 – “Introduzione”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.9-39.
26.1991 – “La Confagricoltura tra attesa e compromesso”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.127-206.
25.1991 – “La relazione tra gruppi e partiti. Conclusioni”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.447-489.
24.1991 – “Introduzione”, in L.Morlino and A. Spreafico eds., Democrazia e partiti in America Latina, Milano, Angeli.
23.1990 – “Authoritarianisms”, in Bebler A. and Seroca J. eds., Contemporary Political Systems. Classifications and Typologies, Boulder (Col.) and London, Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 91-119.
22.1989 – “Ancora un bilancio lamentevole?”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Scienza Politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli, pp. 5-52.
21.1989 – “Teoria e macropolitica”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Scienza politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli, pp. 53-87.
20.1989 – “Epitaffio per un approccio di successo: il sistema politico”, in A. Panebianco (ed.), L’analisi della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 71-87.
19.1988 – “Tra rappresentanza e uguaglianza”, in J. Jacobelli (ed.), Un’altra repubblica? Come, perchè, quando, Bari, Laterza, pp. 119-27.
18.1988 – “Consolidación democratica”, in J. Pinto (ed.), Ensayos sobre la crisis politica argentina, Buenos Aires, Centro Editor de America Latina, pp. 311-377.
17.1987 – “Las instauraciones democraticas en Europa Mediterranea. Algunas hipotesis comparativas”, in VV.AA., Lecciones para democratas en transición, Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, pp. 221-56.
16.1987 – “Crisis autoritaria y cambio de regimen en el Sur Europa”, in C. Huneeus (ed.), Para vivir la democracia, Santiago, Editorial Andante, pp.13-49.
15.1987 – “Democratic Establishments. A Dimensional Analysis”, in E. Baloyra (ed.), Comparing New Democracies, Boulder (Col.), Westview, pp. 53-78.
14.1986 – “Dall’autoritarismo alla democrazia: Spagna, Portogallo e Grecia” in N. Tranfaglia e M. Firpo eds., La storia, vol.IX, Torino, UTET, pp. 761-88.
13.1986 – “Democrazie”, in Manuale di Scienza della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 83-136.
12.1986 – “Autoritarismi”, in Manuale di scienza della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 137-89.
11.1986 – “Sistema politico”, in Scarpelli U. (ed.), Gli strumenti del sapere contemporaneo, Torino, UTET, pp. 767-71 (rev. ed. 1997).
10.1984 – “The Changing Relationships Between Parties and Society in Italy”, in S. Bartolini and P. Mair eds., Party Politics in Contemporary Western Europe, London, Frank Cass & Co..
9.1983 – “Stabilità politica”, in N. Bobbio, N. Matteucci, G. Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
8.1983 – “Dissenso”, in Bobbio, Matteucci, Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
7.1983 – “Franchismo”, in Bobbio, Matteucci, Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
6.1982 – “Del Fascismo a una democracia debil. El cambio de regimen en Italia (1939-48)”, in J. Santamaria (ed.), Transició a la democracia en el Sur Europa y America Latina, Madrid, CIS, pp. 93-150.
5.1978 – “Dal pluralismo limitato al pluralismo competitivo. Partiti e sindacati”, in G. De Vergottini (ed.), Una costituzione democratica per la Spagna, Milano, Angeli, pp. 89-120.
4.1978 – “Intervento”, in VV.AA., La costituzione spagnola nel trentennale della costituzione italiana, Bologna, Forni Editore.
3.1977 – “Il crollo dei regimi democratici. Prefazione”, in A. Valenzuela, Il crollo della democrazia in Cile, Torino, Editrice BdL. pp. 5-15.
2.1976 – “Dissenso”, in Bobbio N. and N. Matteucci eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET.
1.1976 – “Stabilità politica”, in Bobbio N. and Matteucci N. eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET.
Selected Unpublished Works:
47. 2017 – “Circumventing constraints by internalizing Troika oversight? Italy and the Euro crisis negotiations”, Salzburg, Centre of European Union Studies, EMU CHOICES WORKING PAPER SERIES.
46. 2014 – “Transitions to Democracy. What Theory to Grasp Complexities?”, Working papers 6, Department of Political Sciences, Luiss G. Carli.
45.2014 – “How to Assess a Democracy. What Alternatives?” Lecture delivered at XIVth International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), with participation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. April 2-4, 2014, Moscow (published in Russian).
44. 2013 – “Transitions to Democracy. What We Know and What We Should Know”, Conference on “Re-examining Democratic Transitions in Times of Crisis”, organized by Center
for European and Mediterranean Studies, NYU Freie Universität, Berlin Historein NYU Berlin, sponsored by NYU Global Research Initiatives. NYU Berlin & Free Universität, 22-23 November 2013.
43.2013 – “What qualities of democracy in Latin America? Mixing quantitative and qualitative analyses”, delivered at the International Workshop on "Measuring Democracy", organized by IPSA Research Committee “Quality of Democracy” and the GPSA Research Group “Democracy Studies”, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Sept. 29th- Oct.1st 2013.
42.2013 – “Political Risk Assessment Methodologies: a Comparative Analysis”, SISP Annual Conference, Florence, Sept. 12-14 (with Cecilia Sottilotta).
41.2012 – “Governo Tecnico e Cittadini in Italia”, paper delivered at the Conference in Honor of Bruno Visentini”, Senate of the Republic, Oct. 30th.
40.2012 – “The Non-Procedural Determinants of Responsiveness”, with M. Quaranta, paper delivered at the Conference in Honor of Peter Mair, European University Institute, S. Domenico di Fiesole (Florence, Italy), Sept. 26-28 September.
39.2012 – “What Qualities of Democracy in Latin America. A Few Research Results” with G. Katz, paper delivered at IPSA World Congress, Madrid, July 11th-14th.
38.2012 – “Political Science and Social Sciences: Evolution, Influences, Debates, Innovation”, paper delivered at the Conference on “50 years in Graduate Education: Achievements and Impacts in Half a Century”, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey), June 6th.
37.2011 – “Two Perspectives on the impossible change: Italy 1992-2011”, paper delivered at the Conference on Liberalism and Democracy in Europe, Rome, La Sapienza, Nov. 15th.
36.2011 – “Qualities of democracy between freedom and equality. Europe and Latin America”, lecture delivered at the University of Seoul, Seoul, April 30th.
35.2010 – “The Impossible Change and the Building of A New Hybrid: Italy 1990-2010, paper delivered at the Colloque International on “La Transition Italienne Dans le Cadre Européen. Société’, Système Politique et Institutions: L’Etat de la Démocratie”, sponsored by ULB-Centre d’Etude de la Vie Politique, Bruxelles, Dec. 3-4.
34.2010 – “Measuring Democracy in Europe and Analyzing Some Results”, Seminars on “Citizenship in Europe: Political and Social Perspective”, European Studies Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, Nov. 2nd.
33. 2009 –“Qualities of Democracy: How to Analyze them“, Studies in Public Policy no. 465, Center for the Study of Public Policy, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen.
32.2009 – “How happened that the father killed the son and the son took revenge. Law and political science in Europe“, paper delivered at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana –USA), April 3rd.
31.2009 – “Quality of Democracy and European Union”, paper delivered at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana –USA), April 2nd.
30.2008 – “Berlusconi’s Return and the State of Leadership in Contemporary Italy”, paper delivered at the RISC Conference on Europe and Social Cohesion”, Luxembourg, Nov. 11th
29.2008 – “Flogisto, Antibiotici e Ricerca Scientifica”, lecture delivered at Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence, Oct. 8th.
28.2008 – “Democrazia Locale e Qualità Democratica. Quali teorie”, con F. Gelli, paper delivered at XXII SISP Conference, Pavia, Sept. 4-6.
27.2008 – “European Union Transformation Strategies and the Rule of Law in Weakly Governed States”, with Amichai Magen, Paper prepared for the 2008 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting,Boston, MA, Aug. 28th-31st .
26.2007 – “L’abbaco del professore”, paper delivered in Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Nov. 15th.
25.2006 – “Che cosa é, e a che serve la scienza politica oggi?”, lecture delivered at Accademia de’ Lincei, Rome, Oct. 22nd.
24.2006 – “Authoritarian Legacies and Good Democracy in South Europe”, paper delivered at the Colloque International “Penser la démocratie. Autour de l’oeuvre de Juan Linz” Montpellier, Sept. 7th-9th.
23.2006 – “Accountabilities. From Southern Europe with Hope”, paper delivered at the panel on “ The quality of Democracy. Experiences and Criteria”, 20th IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka (Japan), July 9th-13th.
22.2006 – “European Union and the Old Peripheries.Europeanization Patterns in Representation and Administration” with Silvia Bolgherini, paper delivered at the Conference on “European Union and the Old Peripheries”, Florence, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, May 26th-27th.
21.2005 – “Still Separated Tables? Democratic Theory and Survey Research”, paper delivered at the Conference on ‘Ten Years of Latinobarómetro’, St. Antony’s College, Oxford (UK), Sept. 19th -20th.
20.2005 – Representation and EU Impact on Regions in Italy”, paper delivered at the Conference on “Regions, Borders, and States: Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Development in Sub-national and Trans-national Areas”, Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia, May 20th.
19.2005 – “Democratization in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe. Additional Reflections on Concepts and Hypotheses Within a Conflict Resolution Perspective”, paper delivered at School of International Affairs, Belgrad, May 13th.
18.2005 –“¿Democracias con calidad o sin calidad?” paper delivered in the “Coloquio Internacional “Calidad de la Democracia”, Guadalajara, Mexico, 25-26 de april, Auditorio Arrupe, ITESO.
17.2004 – “Democratic Quality, or Qualities? Italy and Spain as Litmus Tests”, with Rafael Lopez Pintor, paper delivered at the International Conference on “Thirty Years of the Third Wave of Democratization: Paradigms, Lessons, and Perspectives”, sponsored by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, and the Social Science Research Centre (WZB),
Berlin, Dec. 10th-11th.
16.2004 – “Qualità della democrazia e partiti”, with Marco Almagisti, paper delivered in the panel on “Qualità della democrazia. Paradigmi a confronto”, Annual Conference of Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Padua, Sept. 15th-17th.
15.2004 – “Comparative Politics and Area Studies: Southern Europe, paper delivered at the meeting on “Pole Sud and Research on Southern Europe”, Paris, Jan. 28th.
14.2003 – “Did We Learn Something From Thirty Years of Transitions From Authoritarian Rule? Retrospective Wisdom from Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the panel on “ What Have We Learned From Thirty Years of Transitions from Authoritarian Rule?”, 19th IPSA World Congress, Durban (South Africa), June 30th-July3rd.
13.2003 – Europeanization and the Reshaping of Representation in Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the panel on “The Europeanization of Representation and Governance”, Eight Biennial International Conference, European Union Studies Association, Nashville, Tennessee (USA), March 27th-29th.
12.2002 – “What we know and what we should know on Europeanization and the reshaping of representation in SE democracies”, paper delivered at the Conference on “EU and Democracy in Southern Europe”, University of California, Berkeley, Oct. 31-Nov. 2nd.
11.2002 – “What is a “Good” Democracy? Theory and Empirical Analysis”paper delivered at the CPS Session on “The Quality of democracy in the Twenty First Century", ISA World Congress, Brisbane (Aus), July 7th-13th.
10.2001 – “Beyond Democratic Consolidation. Legitimacy, ‘Anchoring’ and Other Aspects”, paper delivered at the panel on “Democracy in the Twenty-First Century”, Research Committee on Political Sociology, APSA Annual Meeting, S. Francisco (USA), Aug. 30th - Sept. 2nd.
9.1999 – “Constitutional Design and Implementation in Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the ECPR-JAPS Conference on “Democratization East-West”, Tokio, Oct. 25-27.
8.1999 – “Europeanization and Representation in Two Europes”, paper delivered at the conference on “À la récherche de l’Europe méridionale”, Pole Universitaire Européen de Montpellier et du Languedoc-Roussillon, CNRS, and CEPEL, Montpellier, May 27-29 1999.
7.1994 – “European Integration and Industrial Policies In Largest European Countries”, with Liborio Mattina, Research Report, Florence.
6.1990 – “Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe. Theoretical Guidelines for the Empirical Analysis”, paper, Center for European Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, March.
5.1989 – “Crisis and Breakdown in Mediterranean Europe. The Two Paths”, paper delivered at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Paris, April 15-20.
4.1985 – “Instaurazioni democratiche. Variazioni e spiegazioni nell’esperienza europea”, paper delivered at the Conference on “La transición a la democracia en el Tercer Mundo”, Buenos Aires, Aug. 27-29.
3.1984 – “Le ipotesi alla prova: il Portogallo”, paper delivered at the Conference on “Military and Politics in Mediterranean Europe”, Rome, Fondazione Basso, Oct. 15-6.
2.1982 – “Crisis Without Breakdown. Italy as a Crucial Case”, paper delivered at the IPSA World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 16-21.
1.1981 – “The Rules of Democratic Consolidation. Some Comparative Notes about Italy and Spain”, paper delivered at the SSRC Conference on “Contemporary Change in Southern Europe”, Madrid, Nov. 26-28.
Forthcoming books, articles in Journals, and chapters in books:
2020 – “Hybrid Regimes”, in A Sajo, S. Holmes, R. Uitz, eds., Routledge Handbook on Illiberalism, London, Routledge.
2021 – L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
2021 – “Introduzione. Concetti, meccanismi, ipotesi”, in L. Morlino and Michele Sorice, eds., L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
2021 – “Conclusioni. Quello che abbiamo appreso”, with Michele Sorice, in L. Morlino and Michele Sorice, eds., L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
1978/79 - Visiting fellow, Dept. of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA.
1976 - Summer School in Quantitative Analysis, Dept. of Political Science, Essex University, Colchester, UK.
1972 - First Summer School in Comparative Politics, directed by professor Stein Rokkan, at the Zentral Archiv, Koln, Germany.
1970/71 - Advanced Courses in political science and sociology, organized by the Cini Foundation (Venice) and the Centro di Studi Economico e Sociali, CESES (Milan).
1970 - Graduation in Political Sciences, University of Naples, with summa cum laude; dissertation on “The Liberal Right during the Giolittean Era”.
Academic Honors and Awards
2019 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad de Guerrero, Acapulco, Mexico.
2018 - Award as Professor Emeritus, Luiss G. Carli, Rome, Italy.
2015 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), La Paz, Bolivia.
2015 - Awardee of “2015 G. O’Donnell Chair”, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
2014 - Appointment as Distinguished Lecturer, John Cabot University, Rome.
2013 - Appointment as life member of Mexican Association of Political Sciences (AMECIP).
2012 - Award for Scientific Achievements in Political Science by the Chilean Association of Political Science.
2012 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
2012/15 - Jean Monnet Ad Personam Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2012 - Honorary Member of Tunisian Association of Political Science.
2012 - Life member of International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2012 - Dartmouth Medal - Honorable Mention (Library Journal Best Reference 2011) for The International Encyclopedia of Political Science.
2010 - Honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa), University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.
2010 - “Profesor Honorario” of the Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010 - Award for Academic Achievements and Contribution to the development of political science by the Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Politico, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010 - “Huespes de Honor” of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010/11 - Monte de Paschi Fellowship, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University, UK.
2009 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
2007 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
2004 - Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2004 - ‘Basilicata Award’ to Democrazie e Democratizzazioni (2003) for best book in Contemporary Politics.
2003 - ‘Arco’ Award for accomplishment in profession.
1998 - Jemolo fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK.
1995 - Ministry of Education fellowship at the Hoover Institution, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1989/90 - NATO fellowship at the Center for European Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1978/79 - Ford fellowship at the Dept. of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA.
1976 - ECPR fellowship, Summer School in Quantitative Analysis, Colchester, UK.
1972 - European Consortium for Political Research fellowship, Summer School in Comparative Politics (Koln, Germany).
1970/71 - Centro di Politica Comparata fellowship, Florence.
1969/70 - CESES fellowship, Milan.
Teaching Activities
2012/15 - Ad Personam Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies, European Union Commission.
2010/17 - Professor of Political Science at Department of Political Sciences, LUISS ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy.
2009 - Visiting Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (France).
2007 - Visiting Professor, Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Madrid (Spain).
2006/10 - Professor of Political Science at Istituto di Scienze Umane, Florence, Italy.
2005/10 - Director of the Doctoral Program in Political Science at Istituto di Scienze Umane, Florence, Italy.
2004/07 - Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies at the University of Florence, by appointment of European Union Commission.
2002/03 - Bechtel Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca, USA.
1999/ - Visiting Professor, Stanford University Overseas Study Program, Florence.
1998/00 - Co-director of the European Summer School in Comparative Politics.
1996/04 - Director of the Italian Doctoral Program in Political Science.
1996/00 - Visiting Professor, New York University in Florence.
1995/96 - Visiting Professor at the Juan March Institute, Madrid (Spain).
1993/95 - Visiting Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (France).
1986/06 - Full Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1983/87 - Deputy Director of the Italian Doctoral Program in Political Science.
1983 - Lecturer at the Summer School in Comparative Politics, European University Institute, Florence.
1981/86 - Visiting Professor of Political Science, California University in Florence.
1978/86 - Associate Professor (with tenure) of Political Science, University of Florence.
1975/78 - Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1973/75 - Assistant Professor (with tenure) of Political Science, University of Florence.
1972/73 - Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Florence.
1971/72 - Assistant Professor of Dottrina dello Stato, University of Florence.
Research Activities
2017/ - co-director of “Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law (RECONNECT)”, HORIZON 2020 Call “EURO-1-2017”.
2014/ - co-director of “The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Fiscal Integration (EMUSCEUS”, HORIZON 2020 Call “EURO-1-2014”.
2012/16 - director of international research on “Democratic Crises and Quality of Democracy in Europe”, with a grant of Minister of Education, University and Research for projects of national interest.
2012/13 - director of a research team on “Developing a new index of Political Risk”.
2009/13 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in Latin America.
2009/14 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in in European Large democracies
2009/11 - director of the international research group on Assessing the quality of democracy in East Asia.
2007/9 - co-director of the international research group on Inter-institutional accountability in Eastern Europe;
2007/9 - director of the research group on Qualità della democrazia e diritti sociali in Toscana;
2007/8 - member of the research group on The state of democracy in Trentino;
2003/07 - director of the international research group on Democratization through Region Building. The European Experience, Center on Development, Democracy, and Rule of Law, Stanford University;
2003/06 - director of the international research group on Europeanization and Representation: The Peripheral Europe;
2003/05 - co-director of the international research group on The Quality of Democracy. A Comparative Approach, Center on Development, Democracy, and Rule of Law, Stanford University;
2002/06 - director of the Observatory on parties and party changes in Italy, University of Florence;
1999/01- director of the Research Group on Rights and the Quality of Democracy in Italy, financed by IDEA, Stockholm (Sweden);
1999/05 - director of the international research group on The Europeanization of Southern Europe: National and Local Actors;
1998/06 - director of the research group on The Transformation of Italian parties: organization, identities, strategies;
1996/98 - member of the international research group on Centers and Peripheries in Southern Europe;
1995/96 - director of the research group on Crises and Protest in Southern Europe;
1993/94 - Member of the research group on Industrial Policies and European Integration of Largest Democracies;
1993/94 - member of the international research group on Mediterranean Regions and European Integration;
1989/97 - director of the research group on Party organization and Political Change in Italy;
1987/89 - director of the research group on History and Developments of Political Science in Italy (1945-89);
1986/88 - member of the international research group on Modern Europe After Fascism;
1984/86 - member of the international research group on The Political Culture of Southern Europe: A Four Nation Survey;
1984/90 - director of the research group on Interests and Regime Consolidation in Italy;
1982/84 - director of the research group on Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe;
1976/81 - individual research on Democratic Crises in Europe during the 1930s: Italy, Germany, and Spain;
1975/76 - individual research on Development, Modernization and Regime Change. A Conceptual Analysis;
1971/75 - individual research on The Empirical Conditions of Political Stability in Western Europe After World War Two.
Other Professional Activities
2020/ - member of the editorial board of the Journal of Contemporary Governance and Public Policy
2020/ - editor of Luiss Open, a research magazine
2019/ - member of the editorial board of Estancias. Revista de Investigación en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales – Mexico.
2018/ - member of the editorial board of Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft.
2018/ - member of the editorial board of Revue Tunisienne de Science Politique.
2017/ - member of the international editorial board of Revista IUS – Mexico.
2016/ - member of the editorial board of Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales.
2015/18 - Vice Rector (Research), Libera Università di Studi Sociali ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy
2014/ - member of the editorial board of the series “Studi Internazionali e comparati”, Perugia Stranieri University Press.
2013/5 - member of the international working group to draft a proposal of Ley del Código Electoral y Código Procesal Electoral, appointed by the Constitutional Committee of the Congress of Republic of Perú.
2013/ - member of the international editorial board of Democracias.
2013/5 - President, Florence Institute on Democracy and Innovation, Florence.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of Contemporary Italian Politics.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of South East European Journal of Political Science.
2013/ - member of the editorial board of Connexe: autour des espaces postcommunistes.
2012/15 - Vice Rector (Research), Libera Università di Studi Sociali ‘G.Carli’, Rome, Italy
2012/13 - member of the Committee of Concours d’Aggregation en Science Politique, France.
2012/ - President of Red de Estudios sobre la Calidad de la Democracia en América Latina, a network of Latin American scholars.
2012/13 - President of Red Euro-Latinoamericana de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGob), a network of European and Latin American research institutions.
2012/ - member of scientific advisory board, “Fondazione Bruno Visentini”.
2012/14 - Past President, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2012/ - member of international advisory board of research on “Varieties of Democracy”.
2012/ - member of the editorial board of Politikon, the IAPSS Journal of Political Science.
2012/ - member of the editorial board of “Globalization, Europe and Multilateralism”, a series of Ashgate, London.
2011/ - President of scientific advisory board, Centre for Media and Communication Studies “Massimo Baldini”.
2011/ - Director, Executive Programs, School of Government, LUISS ‘G.Carli’, Rome.
2011/ - member of international board of consulting editors, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier.
2011/ - member of the editorial board of Academic Alternatives (Bucarest, Romania)
2011/ - member of the academic advisory board of the Community of Democracies (AAB/CD)
2011/ - member of the editorial board of the International Political Science Review (IPSR).
2011/ - Director, International Centre on Democracies and Democratizations (ICEDD).
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Revista Española de Ciencia Política.
2010/ - member of the scientific committee of the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Qualità della Vita (Italian Association for Studying the Quality of Life)
2010/ - member of the steering committee, ECPR Standing Group on democratic innovation
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Swiss Political Science Review.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Regions & Cohesion.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research.
2010/ - member of the editorial board of Journal of Democracy.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of International Political Science Abstracts.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of Revista Regiones.
2009/ - member of the editorial board of The Annual Review of Political and Military Sociology.
2009/12 - President, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2008/ - founder and co-chair of the Società per lo Studio per la Diffusione della Democrazia (Society for Studying the Diffusion of Democracy – SSDD)
2008 - nomination as a candidate to 2009 election for the President of International Political Science Association (IPSA), to be held in Santiago (Chile), July 2009.
2008/18 - President, Academic Council of Eunomia Foundation, Florence, Italy.
2008/ - member of Scientific Council of Consortium on Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion (RISC), Luxembourg.
2008/12 - member of the editorial board of Bulletin of Italian Politics.
2008/ - member of the editorial board of Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
2008/ - member of the editorial board of Portuguese Journal of Social Science.
2007/10 - member of SH2 Panel, Starting Grant of European Research Council, Research Directorate General, European Commission, Bruxelles.
2007/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Comparative Sociology.
2007/ - member of the editorial Advisory board of International Political Anthropology.
2007/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Revista de Ciencia Política (Chile).
2006/11 - member of scientific committee of Research Unit on European Governance (URGE), Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation (Turin, Italy).
2006/09 - First Vice-president, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2005/ - member of the editorial advisory board of Parliamentary Affairs.
2005/ - member of the editorial board of Democracy and Security.
2004/ - member of the editorial board of Pole Sud.
2003/06 - Vice Rector, University of Florence, Italy
2003/06 - director of European Center of Excellency at University of Florence
2003/09 - member of the executive committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2001/02 - member of the committee for the governance of the University of Florence
2000/ - member of the editorial board of Central European Political Science Review
1998/ 01 - President of the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP)
1999/ - director of the Research Center on Southern Europe (CIRES), University of Florence.
1998 - chairman of the committee for the change of the Statute of the University of Florence
1995/ - member of the editorial board of South European Society and Politics.
1992/95 - Dean of the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “C.Alfieri”, Firenze.
1992/ - member of the editorial board of Teoria Politica
1992/02 - director of the Center for the European Documentation
1988/91 - member of the executive committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
1987/95 - member of the subcommittee on Southern Europe, Social Science Research Council, USA.
1986/91 - co-editor, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
1986/ - member of the Editorial board, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
1985/91 - member of the executive committee, Italian Society of Political Science (SISP).
1981/2011- member of the editorial committee in Political Science, Il Mulino Publishing House.
1979/81 - member of the Executive Committee, Italian Society of Political Science (SISP).
1977/86 - chief managing editor, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica.
Foreign Languages
English: spoken, written.
French: spoken, written.
Spanish: spoken, written.
Portuguese: passive knowledge.
List of Publications
10.2020 – Equality, Freedom and Democracy. Europe After the Great Recession, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
9.2018 – Comparison. An Methodological Introduction for the Social Sciences,Leverkusen and London, Barbara Budrich Publisher (Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020).
8.2014 – La calidad de las democracias en América Latina. Informe para IDEA (English translation: The Quality of Democracies in Latin America. A Report for IDEA, 2016) Stockholm, International IDEA.
7.2011 – Changes for Democracy. Actors, Structures and Processes, Oxford, Oxford University Press (reprinted 2012; Italian translation, 2014; Spanish translation 2019).
6.2005 – Introduzione alla ricerca comparata, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish translation 2010; French translation 2013).
5.2003 – Democrazie e democratizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino (first Spanish translation 2005, second Spanish edition 2009; Romanian transl. 2015).
4.1998 – Democracy Between Consolidation and Crisis. Parties, Groups, and Citizens in Southern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008).
3.1985 – Como cambian los regimenes politicos, Madrid, CEC (revised Spanish version of 1980 book).
2.1981 – Dalla democrazia all’autoritarismo. Il caso spagnolo in prospettiva comparata, Bologna, Il Mulino.
1.1980 – Come cambiano i regimi politici. Strumenti di analisi, Milan, Angeli Editore.
8.2017 – The Impact of the Economic Crisis on South European Democracies, London, Palgrave (Italian transl. 2018).
7.2017 – Political Science, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications (Italian transl. 2018).
6.2009 – Qualità della Democrazia e Innovazione Locale, Padova, Edizioni Sapere.
5.2004 – Fondamenti di Scienza Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino.
4.2001 – Scienza Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino (new ed. 2008).
3.2001 – Rights and the Quality of Democracy in Italy. A Report, Stockolm, IDEA.
2.1990 – Le elezioni nel mondo 1982-1989, Florence, Edizioni della Giunta Regionale Toscana.
1.1986 – Manuale di Scienza della Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish transl.: Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1988).
7. 2009 - Istituzioni, Partiti, e Società civile, by Seymour M. Lipset, Bologna, Il Mulino.
6.2000 – Transizione e consolidamento democratico, by J.J. Linz e A. Stepan, Italian translation, Bologna, Il Mulino.
5.1998 – Un’occasione mancata? Intervista sulle riforme costituzionali to Giovanni Sartori, Bari, Laterza.
4.1997/2004 – Partiti e sistemi di partito in Italia. Le trasformazioni organizzative, 4 voll., Bologna, Il Mulino.
3.1995 – Laurea in Scienze Politiche. Identità e sbocchi professionali, Firenze, Editrice La Giuntina.
2.1991 – Costruire la democrazia. Gruppi e partiti in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
1.1989 – Scienza Politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli.
22.2020 – The Politics of the Eurozone Crisis in Southern Europe. A Comparative Reappraisal, with C. Sottilotta, London, Palgrave Macmillan(Italian translation: Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020).
21.2020 – Calidad de la democracia en América Latina. Una nueva mirada, with Gloria de la Fuente and Marianne Kneuer, Santiago (Chile), Fondo de Cultura Económica.
20.2020 – Polarización, radicalización y populismo, with Marcelo Cavarozzi and Juan Russo, a special issue of Revista Euro latinoamericana de Análisis Social y Político (RELASP), 1 (1).
19.2020 – Handbook of Political Science, with Dik Berg-Schlosser and Bertrand Badie, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications, 3 vols.
18.2020 – The politics of the Eurozone crisis in Southern Europe: A comparative reappraisal, with Cecilia Sottilotta, London, Palgrave MacMillan.
17.2017 – Calidad de la Democracia en América Latina, Curitiba (Brazil), Editora CRV.
16.2015 – The American Exceptionalism Revisited, Rome, Viella.
15.2013 – La qualità della democrazia in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
14. 2011 – The quality of Democracy in Asia Pacific, with Björn Dressel Riccardo Pelizzo, a special issue of International Political Science Review, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications.
13.2011 – Dealing with the Legacy of Authoritarianism: The ‘Politics of Past’ in Southern European Democracies. Comparative Perspectives, London, Routledge (paperback ed. 2013).
12.2011 – International Encyclopedia of Political Science, with Bertrand Badie and Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Thousand Oaks and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
11.2010 – The ‘Politics of the Past’ in Southern European Democracies. Comparative Perspectives, a special issue of South European Society and Politics, 15 (3).
10.2010 – Democratization and the European Union. Comparing Central and Eastern European post-communist countries, London, Routledge.
9.2010 – Rule of Law and Democracy: Internal and External Issues, special issue of Comparative Sociology, vol. 9, no.1; also expanded ed., Rule of Law and Democracy: Inquiries into Internal and External Issues, Leiden and Boston, Brill.
8.2008 – International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law. Anchoring Democracy?, London and New York, Routledge (paperback ed. 2009).
7.2007 – Party Change in Southern Europe, London and New York, Routledge.
6.2006 – Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino.
5.2006 – Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino.
4.2005 – Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press (Mongolian translation 2007).
3.1994 – L’Italia fra crisi e transizione, Bari, Laterza.
2.1991 – La comparazione nelle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino (Spanish trans.: Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1994).
1.1991 – Democrazia e partiti in America Latina, Milano, Angeli.
Articles in Journals
102.2020 – “¿Una nueva ola autoritaria? Radicalización y neopopulismos en Europa y América Latina”, with Juan Russo, in Revista Euro latinoamericana de Análisis Social y Político (RELASP), 1 (1): pp.17-34.
101.2020 – “Crisi economica, disuguaglianza generazionale e conseguenze politiche”, with Francesco Raniolo, in SINAPPSI - Connessioni tra ricerca e politiche pubbliche, 9 (3):14-24.
101.2020 – “Neopopulismo y calidad de la democracia”, with Francesco Raniolo, in Estancias. In Revista de Investigación en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 1 (1), 15-52.
100.2019 – “Southern Europe and the Eurozone Crisis Negotiations: Preference Formation and Contested Issues”, with Cecilia Sottilotta, South European Society and Politics, 24(1):1-28.
99.2018 – “Las democracias en America Latina: un balance con consecuencias políticas”, in SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Rivista Italiana di Sociologia, 9 (17): 27-42.
98.2017 – “Why transitions to democracy fail? A tribute to Pietro Grilli”, in Italian Political Science, online, 1.09.
97.2016 – “What is the impact of the economic crisis on democracy? Evidence from Europe”, with Mario Quaranta, in International Political Science Review, 37 (5): 618-33.
96.2015 – “Qualidades da democracia: como analisá-las”, in Sociedade e Cultura, 18 (2):177-194.
95.2015 – “Dissenso e Magistratura”, in Questione Giustizia, 4:75-83.
94.2015 – “Transiciones democraticas: entre cuestiones te?ricas y análisis empirico”, in Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 39:17-42.
93.2015 – “Transitions to Democracy. What Theory to Grasp Complexity?”, in Historein, 15(1): 13-31.
92.2015 – “Changes for Democracy: Are There Hibrid Regimes?”, Central European Political Science Review, 16 (60): 14-49.
91.2015 – “¿Como Analizar las calidades democraticas?”, in Revista Latinoamericana de Política Comparada, 10: 13-36.
90.2014 – “Economic Crisis in a Stalemated Democracy: The Italian Case”, with D. Piana, in American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (12):1657-1682.
89.2014 – “The Non-Procedural Determinants of Responsiveness”, with M. Quaranta, in West European Politics, 37 (2): 331–360.
88.2013 – “On Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson “Why Nations Fail”. A Politological Reading”, in Stato e Mercato, 33(3): 495-502.
87.2013 – “Linz: what have we learnt from him?”, in Italian Political Science (, 8(2).
86.2013 – “The impossible transition and the unstable new mix: Italy 1992–2012”, in Comparative European Politics, 11(3): 337–359.
85.2012 – “Calidad Democrática entre L?deres y Partidos”, in Revista Paraguaya de Sociología, 137: 43-66.
84.2011 – “Observando las diferentes calidades de la democracia”, in Revista Mexicana de Analisis Politico y Administracion Publica, 1(1): 9-48.
83.2011 – “Quality of Democracy in Asia-Pacific: Issues and Findings”, with R. Pelizzo, in The quality of democracy in Asia-Pacific, a special issue of International Political Science Review, 32 (5):491-511.
82.2011 – “Per non dimenticare Bentley: dai gruppi alle politiche”, in Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 10 (2): 397-406.
81.2011 – “Analyzing Democratic Qualities”, in Central European Political Science Review, 12 (44): 9-45.
80.2010 – “Authoritarian Legacies, Politics of Past, and Quality of Democracy in Southern Europe: Open Conclusions”, in South European Society and Politics, 15 (3): 507-529.
79.2010 – “Autorità e legittimità tra consolidamento e crisi”, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 51 (4): 571-598.
78. 2009 – “Legitimacy and the Quality of Democracy “, in International Social Science Journal, 60 (June):211-222.
77.2009 – “The Quality of Democracy: An Agenda for Future Research?” in Participation, 33 (2): 3-4
76.2009 – “La classificazione dei regimi politici: fondamenti teorici e sviluppi empirici”, in Quaderno dell’Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 19: 75-88.
75.2009 – “Transition from democracy to democracy: is it possible in Italy?”, in Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 (1): 7-27.
74.2009 – “The Quality of Democracies in Europe. A Research Report”, in Italian Political Science, 2 (3):1-6.
73.2009 – “La Calidad de la Democracia”, in Claves de Razón Prática, 193: 26-35.
72.2009 – “Are There Hybrid Regimes? Or Are They Just An Optical Illusion?” in European Political Science Review, 1 (2):273-96.
71.2008 – “¿Regímenes Híbridos o Regímenes en Transición?”, in Sistema, 207: 3-22.
70.2008 – “Democracia, Calidad, Seguridad: Presupuestos Y Problemas”, in Sistema, 203-204: 21-34.
69.2008 – “Regimi Ibridi o regimi in transizione?” in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 38 (2): 169-190.
68.2008 – “Democracy and Changes: How Research Tails Reality”, in West European Politics, 31(1-2): 40-59.
67.2007 – “Explicar la calidad democrática: ¿qué tan relevantes son las tradiciones autoritarias?”, in Revista de Ciencia Política, 27 (2), 3-22.
66.2007 – “La qualità della democrazia: presupposti e problemi teorici”, in Quaderno dell’ Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari. Seminario 2006, 17: 129-41.
65.2006 – (co-author), “What Changes in South European Parties. A Comparative Introduction”, in Party Change in Southern Europe, a double special issue of South European Society and Politics, 11 (3-4): 331-358.
64.2006 – (coauthor), “Europeanization and Territorial Representation in Italy”, in West European Politics, 29 (4): 757-783.
63.2006 – (coauthor), “Européisation et représentation territoriale en Italie”, in Pôle Sud, 24 (1): 99-120.
62.2005 – “Anchors, Anchoring and Democratic Change”, Comparative Political Studies, 38 (7): 743-770. (Spanish transl.: “Anclaje institucional y consolidaci?n democrática”, in Temas Selectos de la Teoria Politica Contemporanea, edited by Gabriel Pérez, Ediciones E?n, Mexico City, 2013)
61.2005 – “Spiegare la qualità democratica: quanto sono rilevanti le tradizioni autoritarie?”, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 25 (3): 191-212 .
60. 2004 – “Giappone e Italia: quale comparazione, quale teoria?.Commento a ‘Machiavelli’s Children. Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan’ di Richard J. Samuels“,in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 24 (2): 285-90.
59.2004 – “Alternativas No Democraticas ” in Postdata. Revista de Reflexión y Análisis Político, December:149-183.
58.2004 – “The Quality of Democracy. An Overview”, with L. Diamond, special issue of Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 20-31.
57.2004 – “What is a ‘Good’ Democracy?”, special issue of Democratization, 11(5): 10-32.
56.2004 – “’Good’ and ‘Bad’ Democracies: How to Conduct Research into the Quality of Democracy”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20 (1): 5-27.
55.2003 – “What is a “Good” Democracy? Theory and the Case of Italy”, South European Society & Politics, 8 (3): 1-32.
54.2003 – ”Effets de l’Européanization sur la représentation politique en Europe du Sud”, Pole Sud, 19: 79-96.
53.2002 – “Democratic Anchoring: How to Analyze Consolidation and Crisis”, Central European Political Science Review, 3 (10): 6-39.
52.2002 – “Democrazia e spiegazioni”, Quaderno di Studi Parlamentari, Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 13: 199-213.
51.2002 – “Crisi democratica e teoria dell’ancoraggio”, Quaderno di Studi Parlamentari, Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari, 12: 101-118.
50.2001 – “Consolidamento Democratico: la teoria dell’ancoraggio”, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 8 (2): 217-47.
49.2001 - “Consolidation Démocratique: La Théorie de l’Ancrage ”, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 8 (2): 245-267.
48.2000 – “Consolidaciòn democratica: la teorìa del anclaje”, Revista Argentina de Ciencia Politica, 4: 9-34.
47.2000 – “Architectures constitutionelles et politiques democratiques en Europe de l’Est”, Revue Fran?aise de Science Politique, 50 (4-5): 679-711.
46.2000 – “How we are or how we say that we are. The post-war comparative politics of Hans Daalder and others”, European Journal of Political Research, 37 (4): 497-516.
45.1998 - “Come siamo ovvero come ci raccontiamo. La politica comparata di Daalder, e altri (1945-1995)”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 28 (3): 543-566.
44.1997 - “Is There an Impact? And Where is it? Electoral Reform and the Party System in Italy”, South European Society and Politics, 2 (3): 103-131.
43.1996 - “Crisis of Parties and Change of Party System in Italy”, Party Politics, 2 (1): 5-30.
42.1996 - “The Dissatisfied Society. Protest and Support in Italy”, with Marco Tarchi, European Journal of Political Research, 30 (1): 41-63.
41.1996 - “Democratic Consolidation and Convergence in Southern Europe: The Italian Case”, Democratization, 3 (3): 189-214.
40.1996 - “Legitimacy and Democracy in Southern Europe”, with José Ramon Montero, Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas - English Edition, 1(1): 11-48.
39.1995 - “Consolidation and Party Government in Southern Europe”, International Political Science Review, 16 (2): 145-67.
38.1994 - “Legittimità, consolidamento e crisi nell’Europa Meridionale”, with José Ramon Montero, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 24 (1): 27-66.
37.1993 - “Legitimacion y democracia en el Sur de Europa”, with José Ramon Montero, in Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 64: 7-40.
36.1992 - “Vecchio e nuovo autoritarismo nel Sud Europa”, with Franco Mattei, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 22 (1): 137-60.
35.1992 - “Political Science in Italy: Tradition and Empiricism”, in Political Science in Western Europe 1960-90, special issue of the European Journal of Political Research, 20 (2): 341- 358.
34.1992 - “I partiti nella transizione”, Società e politica in America Latina, special issue of Views, 2: 19-34.
33.1992 - “Consolidaçoes democraticas. Indicaçoes teoricas para anàlise empirica”, in Dados, 35 (2): 145-171.
32.1992 - “Partidos, grupos y consolidaciòn democratica in Italia”, in Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 13 (Sep.-Dec.): 73-102.
31.1991 - “La scienza politica italiana: tradizione e realtà”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 21(1): 70-102.
30.1990 - “Problemi e scelte nella comparazione”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 20 (3): 381-395.
29.1988 - “Individui, gruppi e rappresentanza nelle democrazie attuali”, Rassegna dell’Economia Lucana, 26 (1): 21-43.
28.1986 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-dicembre 1985”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 16: 105-27.
27.1986 - “Consolidamento democratico. Definizione e modelli”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 16 (2): 197-238.
26.1986 - “Sei nuove democrazie sfidano il passato”, Biblioteca della Libertà, 21(Jan.-March): 83-90.
25.1986 - “Consolidamento democratico: alcune ipotesi esplicative”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 16 (3): 439-459.
24.1986 - “Consolidacion democratica. Definicion, modelos, hipothesis”, Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 35: 7-61.
23.1985 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1984”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 14: 131-43.
22.1985 - “Il sistema politico. Uno strumento per capire?”, Mondoperaio, 38 (6).
21.1985 - “Consolidacion democratica: definicion y modelos”, Contribuciones - CIEDLA, 1: 37-43.
20.1985 - “?Cual es la crisis democratica de Italia?”, Critica y Utopia, 13: 65-106.
19.1984 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1983”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 12: 87-99.
18.1984 - “The Changing Relationships Between Parties and Society in Italy”, West European Politics, 7 (4): 46-66.
17.1984 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1984”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 13: 109-19.
16.1984 - “Toward Democracy in Latin America: A Model with Several Variables”, Politica Internazionale, Engl. ed., 2:77-90.
15.1983 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Luglio-dicembre 1982”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 10: 93-108.
14.1983 - “Etiology and Outcomes of Protest”, with Keith Webb et al., American Behavioral Scientist, 27 (3): 311-331.
13.1983 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1983”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 11: 97-118.
12.1983 - “Un modello a più variabili”, Dossier: La transizione in America Latina, special issue of Politica Internazionale, 6: 53-64.
11.1982 - “Una democrazia fragile: la Spagna”, Mondoperaio, 35(9).
10.1982 - “Le elezioni nel mondo. Gennaio-giugno 1982”, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, 9: 180-94.
9.1981 - “Spagna: il ruolo della monarchia”, Mondoperaio, 34(5).
8.1979 - “La crisi della democrazia”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 9 (1): 37-70.
7.1979 - “Regimi politici e libertà”, La democrazia nel mondo. Un censimento, special issue of Biblioteca della Libertà, 16 (74-75): 5-26.
6.1975 - “Misure di democrazia e di libertà: discussione di alcune analisi empiriche”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5(1): 132-66.
5.1975 - “Categorie e dimensioni del mutamento politico”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5 (2): 277-324.
4.1975 - “Crisi e mutamento politico”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 5 (3): 545-61.
3.1973 - “Stabilità, legittimità ed efficacia decisionale nei sistemi democratici”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 3 (2): 247-316.
2.1972 - “Alcuni sviluppi teorici nella scienza politica americana”, Il Mulino, 220: 319-46.
1.1971 - “I limiti dell’eredità di Gobetti”, Biblioteca della Libertà, 8 (32): 51-67.
Chapters in books
132.2021 – “Introduzione. Per leggere Azione Politica”, in M. Walzer, Azione Politica, Roma, Luiss University Press, pp. 13-30.
131. 2020 –“Populism and Democracy in Europe”, with Davide Vittori, in D. Albertazzi and D. Vampa, eds., Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe, London, Routledge.
130.2020 – “Policy Responsiveness and Democratic Quality”, in M. Cotta and F. Russo, eds., Research Handbook on Political Representation, London, Edward Edgar Publisher, pp.48-57.
129.2020 – “Neo-Populism and Subversion of Democratic Quality” (with F. Raniolo), in Paul Blokker and Manuel Anselmi eds., Multiple Populisms. Italy as Democracy’s Mirror, London, Routledge, pp. 31-49.
128.2019 – 2019 – “Introduction” (with Cecilia Sottilotta), to The politics of the Eurozone crisis in Southern Europe: A comparative reappraisal, edited with Cecilia Sottilotta, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-11.
127.2019 – “Grande Recessione e Democrazia. Dieci anni dopo l’inizio”, in G. Allegretti, L. Fasano, M. Sorice, eds., Politica oltre la politica, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp-39-49.
126.2019 – ” Parties and Democracies in Southern Europe after the ‘Great Recession’” in Anne Weyembergh, Jean-Michel De Waele, Giovanni Grevi, Frederik Ponjaert, eds., Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20th to the 21st Century. Liber Amicorum Mario Telò, vol. 2: Reflections on the Future of Social Democracy in Europe, Bruxelles Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, pp. 25-35.
125.2019 – “Democratic Consolidation”, in W. Merkel, R. Kollmorgen, H-J. Wagener, eds., The Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
124.2018 – “Le XXI siècle, thèâtre d’un changement du climat politique international? La democratie face à l’auticrazia, with D. Berg-Schlosser, in Un monde fragmenté. Autour de la sociologie des Relations internationales de Bertrand Badie, edited by D. Allès, R. Malejacq, S.Paquin, Paris, CNRS Éditions, pp.201-18.
123.2018 - “As Democracias na América Latina: um balanço com consequências políticas” in L. de Oliveira Xavier, C. F. Domínguez Avila, V. Fonseca, eds., A Qualidade da Democracia no Brasil: questões teóricas e metodológicas da pesquisa, Brasilia, Editora CRV, vol. 3, pp. 91-102.
122.2018 – “Economic Crisis and Democracy: How to Analyze the Impact of the former on the latter”, in L. Tomini and G. Sandri, eds., Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century, London, Routledge, pp. 88-104.
121.2017 – “SARTORI, Giovanni”, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Treccani.
120.2017 – “Wirtschaftskrise und Demokratie: Eine Wirkungsanalyse”, in A. Croissant, S. Kneip, A. Petring eds., Demokratie, Diktatur; Gerechtigkeit. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel, Wiesbaden, Springer, pp. 447-66.
119.2016– “La qualità della democrazia e il cambiamento politico”, in E. Mannari (ed.), Lezioni sulla democrazia, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 35-43.
118.2016 – “¿Cómo Analizar las Calidades Democráticas?”, in C. Dominguez Avila (ed.), A Qualidade da Democracia no Brasil: Questöes Te?ricas e Metod?logicas da Pequisa, vol. 1, Curitiba (Brazil), Editora CRV, pp.19-46.
117. 2016 – “Conclusion - What have we learnt, and where do we go from here?”, with Hanspeter Kriesi, in M. Ferrin and H.Kriesi eds., How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.307-25.
116.2016 – “El impacto de la crisis económica en la democracia española: un marco analítico”, in Francisco J. Llera Ramo, ed., Desafecci?n Política y Regeneraci?n Democratica en la España Actual: Diagnosticos y Propuestas, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp.31-47.
115.2015 – “Introduction”, in M. Fantoni and L. Morlino eds., The American Exceptionalism Revisited, Rome, Viella, pp.11-22.
114. 2015 – “What Qualities of Democracy in Latin America? Mixing quantitative and qualitative analyses”, in Carlos Dominguez Avila, ed., Política, Cultura e Sociedade na América Latina. Estudos interdisciplinares e comparativos, Rio de Janeiro, Editora CRV.
113.2014 – “Linz: what have we learnt from him?”, in Juan J. Linz: Scholar, Teacher, Friend, edited by H.E. Chehabi,Cambridge, T? Aur Press, pp. 284-90.
112. 2014 – “La democracia, su consolidación y Una vida difícil en Italia”, in M. Alcantara y S. Mariani (editores), La politica va al cine,Lima, Universidad del Pacifico.
111. 2014 – “Transizione in stallo e conseguente instabilità”, in La transizione politica italiana. Da Tangentopoli a oggi, edited by M. Almagisti, L. Lanzalaco, L. Verzichelli, Roma, Carocci, pp.197- 221.
110.2013 – “Do authoritarian legacies account for quality of democracy? Additional remarks on Southern Europe”, in Ciências Sociais: Vocação e Profissão. Homagem a Manuel Villaverde Cabral, edited by Pedro Alcantara da Silva and Filipe Carreira da Silva, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciêencias Sociais, pp. 413-432.
109.2013 – “Legados Autoritários, política do passado e qualidade da Democracia na Europa do Sul”, in O passado que não passa. A sombra das ditaduras na Europa do Sul e na America Latina, edited by Ant?nio Costa Pinto e Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Civilização Brasileira, pp. 261-294.
108.2013 – “L’impossible transition et le nouveau compromis instable: l’Italie de 1992 à 2012”, in L’état de la démocratie en Italie, edited by Mario Telò, Giulia Sandri and Luca Tomini, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, pp. 69-87.
107.2012 – “Epitafio para un enfoque exitoso: El sistema politico”, in Repensar la Ciencia Pol?tica, edited by Jorge Sánchez and Juan Russo, Mexico, Instituto Electoral del Estado de Guerrero, pp. 97-124.
106.2011 – “Hybrid Regimes”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
105.2011 – “Democracy, Quality”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
104.2011 – (coauthor) “Political Science”, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino, Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, 8 volls.
103.2011 – “A Demokrácia Minöségi Elemeinek Vizsgálata”, in Simon János, ed., Húsz ?ve Szabadon Közép-Európàdan, Nyomda, Konrad Adenauer Alapítvány, pp-58-81.
102.2010 – (co-author), “La qualità della democrazia in Italia. Tra leader e partiti”, in M. Castagna, ed., Uscire dalla Seconda Repubblica, Roma, Carocci, pp. 58-80.
101.2010 – “Are There Hibrid Regimes? Or Are They Just An Optical Illusion”, in E. Baracani, ed., Democratization and Hybrid Regimes. International Anchoring and Domestic Dynamics in European Post-Soviet States, Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, pp. 25-55.
100.2010 – “Democratization Theory, Quality of Democracy, and Survey Research. Still Separated Tables?” in J. A. Moises, ed., Democracia e Confiança: Por que os Cidadãos Desconfiam das Instituições Públicas?, Sao Paulo, Editora da USP, pp. 23-44.
99.2010 – (co-author), “Introduction” , in Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries, edited by L. Morlino and W. Sadurski, London, Routledge, pp. 1-15.
98.2010 – (coauthor), “Conclusions”, in L. Morlino and W. Sadurski, eds., Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries, London, Routledge, 2010, pp.216-41.
97.2010 – “The Two 'Rules of Law' Between Transition to and Quality of Democracy” in L. Morlino and G. Palombella, eds., Rule of Law and Democracy: Inquiries into Internal and External Issues, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2010, p.39-64.
96.2009 – “Calidad democrática entre líderes y partidos”, in Carmen Maganda and Harlan Koff, eds., Perspectivas Comparativas del Liderazgo, Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 25-47.
95.2009 – “Introduzione. Lipset teorico della democrazia, non solo americana.” in Seymour M. Lipset, Istituzioni, Partiti, e Società civile, edited by L. Morlino, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.7-37.
94.2009 – “¿Regimenes híbridos o regimenes en transición?”, in Alfonso Guerra and José Felix Tezanos, eds., La Calidad de la Democracia. Las Democracias del Siglo XXI, Madrid, Editorial Sistema, pp. 135-160.
93.2009 – “Democracy and Changes: How Research Tails Reality”, in Klaus H. Goetz, Peter Mair and Gordon Smith, eds., European Politics. Pasts, Presents, Futures, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 40-59.
92.2009 – “Political Parties”, in Christian W. Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald F. Inglehart, Christian Welzel and, eds., Democratization, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 201-18.
91.2009 – “Prolusione: Democrazia, Qualità, Sicurezza: Presupposti e Problemi”, in Annuario della Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, anno accademico 2007-2008, Roma, Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, pp. 48-71.
90.2008 – “Preface” (with A. Magen), in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp. xii-xvi..
89.2008 – “Hybrid Regimes, the Rule of Law, and External Influence on Domestic Change” (with A. Magen), in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp. 1-25.
88.2008 – (co-author) “Methods of Influence, Layers of Impact, Cycles of Change: A Framework for Analysis”, in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp.26-52.
87.2008 – (co-author) “Scope, Depth and Limits of External Influence - Conclusions”, in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy? edited by A. Magen and L. Morlino, London, Routledge, pp 224-58.
86.2008 – Calidad Democrática Entre L?deres y Partidos”, in Partidos Politicos y Calidad de la Democracia. Mexico, Serie Conferencias Magistrales, Instituto Federal Electoral, 11-56.
85.2008 – “Prefación” to Edgar Alfonso Hernández, Los Usos Politicos de la Pobreza. Politica Social y Cleintelismo Electoral en La Alternancia, Mexico, El Colegio Mexiquense, pp.13-40.
84.2008 – "Régime hybrides ou régimes en transition?", in Mohammad-Saïd Darviche and William Genieys eds., Penser les régimes politiques, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008, pp.237-260.
83.2008 – “Institutional Theory and Comparative Democratization”, in J. Pierre, B. G. Peters, G. Stoker eds., Debating Institutionalism, Manchester, Manchester University Press, pp.176-194.
82.2008 – “Hybrid Regimes or Regimes in Transition?”, in Essays in Honor of Ergun Ozbudun, vol.1: Political Science, Ankara, Yetkin Basim Yayim ve Dagitim A.?., pp. 347-373.
81.2008 – “Authoritarian Legacies and good democracy. Southern Europe”, in M. Petricioli, ed., L’Europe Mediterranéenne, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 123-140.
80.2008 – “Democratizzazione“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
79.2008 – “Democrazia“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
78.2008 – “Regimi di transizione“, in M. Flores, ed., Diritti Umani, Torino, UTET.
77.2008 – “Democratizzare la democrazia”, in G. Vittadini, ed., La Verità, il Nostro Destino, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 209-13.
76.2007 – “La transizione impossibile?”, in R. D’Alimonte e A. Chiaramonte eds., Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2006, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.11-50.
75.2007 – “Comunicare quali riforme” in AA.VV, Sussidarietà e Riforme Istituzionali. Rapporto sulla Sussidarietà 2007, Milano, Mondadori, pp.23-27;
74.2007 – “Quality and Qualities in Contemporary Democracies”, in J. Marcet and J. R. Montero, eds., Roads to Democracy. A Tribute to Juan J. Linz, Barcelona, Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, pp. 125-150.
73.2007 – “Calidad de la democracia. Notas para su discusion”, in C. Cansino and I. Covarrubias eds., Por una democracia de calidad. Mexico después de la transici?n, Mexico, Centro de Estudios de Politica Comparada, pp. 27-53.
72.2007 – (co-author), “What Changes in South European Parties. A Comparative Introduction”, in Party Change in Southern Europe, London, Routledge, pp. 1-28.
71.2006 – (coauthor), “Introduzione. Europeizzazione e rappresentanza: Perché i fondi strutturali”, in V. Fargion, L. Morlino, S. Profeti eds., Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il Caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.11-60 .
70.2006 – (coauthor), “Conclusioni. I risultati della ricerca” in V. Fargion, L. Morlino, S. Profeti eds., Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il Caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, pp. 361-389.
69.2006 – (coauthor), “Introduzione”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 7-15.
68.2006 – “Qualità democratica tra leader e partiti”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 85-102.
67.2006 – “ Le tre fasi dei partiti italiani”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 105-144.
66.2006 – (coauthor), “La società insoddisfatta e i suoi nemici. I partiti nella crisi italiana”, in L. Morlino and Marco Tarchi eds., Partiti e caso italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 207-244.
65.2006 - “’Good’ and ‘Bad’ Democracies: How to Conduct Research into the Quality of Democracy”, in Derek S. Hutcheson and Elena A. Korosteleva eds., The Quality of Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 5-27.
64.2005 - (coauthor), “Introduction”, in L. Diamond and L. Morlino eds., Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.ix-xliii.
63.2005 – (co-author), “Italy and Spain”, in L. Diamond and L. Morlino eds., Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Theory and Empirical Analysis, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pp.85-122.
62.2005 – “Conclusão: a europeazação da Europa do Sul” in A. Costa Pinto, N. Severiano Teixeira eds., A Europa do Sul e a construção europeia de 1945 aos anos 80, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 197-215.
61.2004 – “Problematizing the Links Between Authoritarian Legacies and ‘Good’ Democracy” (with K. Hite), in P. Cesarini and K. Hite eds., Democracy and Authoritarian Legacies in Southern Europe and Latin America, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 25-83.
60.2003 - “Politica comparata e teoria istituzionale”, in A. Baldissera (ed.), La Comparazione, Milano, Angeli, pp. 89-108.
59.2002 - “The Europeanization of Southern Europe”, in A. Costa Pinto and N.S. Texeira eds., Southern Europe and the Making of the European Union 1945-1980s, New York, Columbia University Press, pp.237-260.
58.2001 – “ The Three Phases of Italian Parties”, in L. Diamond and R. Gunther, eds., Political Parties and Democracy, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 109-142.
57.2001 – “Leggi elettorali e democrazia. Dalla comparazione sincronica a quella diacronica”, in VV.AA., Il Parlamento, Padova, CEDAM, pp.17-47.
56.2001 – “Democracy, Southern European Style?”, with A. Lijphart et al., in N. P. Diamandouros and R. Gunther, eds., Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 16-82.
55.2001 – “Constitutional Design and Problems of Implementation in Southern and Eastern Europe”, in J. Zielonka, ed., Democratic Consolidations in Eastern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
54.2000 - “Sistema Politico”, in Appendice 2000. Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 680-683.
53.2000 - “Scienza della Politica”, in Appendice 2000. Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 432-434.
52.2000 – “Introduzione all’edizione italiana”, in J.J. Linz e A. Stepan, Transizione e consolidamento democratico, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. VII-XVI.
51.2000 - “Constitutions and Good Democracy in Eastern Europe”, in Michel Dobry (ed.), Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe. Lessons for the Social Sciences, Dordrecht/ Boston/London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 147-77.
50.1999 – “ITALY” in Implication of EC legislation at sub-national level. Experience of 15 EU Member States, TAIEX Publications, Bruxelles.
49.1998 - “Sistemi Politici Comparati”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. VIII, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.56-63.
48.1998 – “The Other Side of the Fascist Legacy”, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, New York, Columbia University Press, pp. 662-96.
47.1998 – “The Fascist Legacy in Italy: an Overview”, with Simona Colarizi, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, cit., pp. 457-75.
46.1998 – “Old and New Authoritarianism in Southern Europe”, with Franco Mattei, in S. Larsen (ed.), Modern Europe After Fascism, cit., 1752-74.
45.1997 - “Regimi Politici”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. VII, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 294-308.
44.1997 – “Freezing, Adaptation, and Change in Italian Democracy”, in Metin Heper, Ali Kazancigil, and Bert A. Rockman eds., Institutions and Democratic Statecraft, Boulder (Col., USA), Westview Press, pp. 171-90.
43.1997 – “Riforma elettorale e sistema partitico in Italia” in Gianfranco Bettin (ed.), Politica e Società. Studi in onore di Luciano Cavalli, Padova, Cedam, pp. 299-320.
42.1997 – “Party Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe”, in Eva Etzioni-Halevy (ed.), Classes & Elites in Democracy and Democratization. A Collection of Readings, New York and London, Garland Publishing Inc., pp. 205-13.
41.1996 – “Partiti, gruppi e consolidamento democratico in Italia”, in VV. AA., Studi in Onore di Alberto Predieri, Milano, Giuffré, pp. 1169-207.
40.1996 – “Politikwissenschaft in Italien - Tradition und Empirismus”, in Hans J. Lietzmann and Wilhelm Bleek eds., Politikwissenschaft. Geschichte und Entwicklung in Deutschland und Europa, Munchen and Wien, Verlag, pp. 270-92.
39.1995 – “Parties, Groups and Democratic Consolidation in Italy”, in H. E. Chehabi and A. Stepan eds., Politics, Society, and Democracy. Comparative Studies, Essays in Honor of Juan J.Linz, Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, pp. 257-78.
38.1995 – “Democratic Consolidation: Definition and Models”, in Geoffrey Pridham (ed.), Transitions to Democracy, Aldershot, Dartmouth Publishing Co., pp. 571-90.
37.1995 – Legitimacy and Democracy in Southern Europe”, with José Ramon Montero, in R. Gunther, N. Diamandouros, H.J. Puhle eds., The Politics of Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 231-60.
36.1995 – “Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe”, in R. Gunther, N. Diamandouros, H.J. Puhle eds., The Politics of Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 315-88.
35.1994 – “Italy: Tracing the Roots of the Great Transformation”, with Luciano Bardi, in R. Katz and P. Mair, eds., How Party Organize. Change and Adaptation in Party Organizations in Western Democracies, London, Sage Publications, pp.242-77.
34.1994 - ”Discipline Politologiche” in G. Martinotti and A. Quadrio Curzio eds., Guida alla Laurea in Scienze Politiche, Bologna,Il Mulino, pp.112-42.
33.1993 – “Dissenso”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol. III, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.189-94.
32.1992 – “Partiti e consolidamento democratico nel Sud Europa”, in M. Calise (ed.), Come cambiano i partiti, Bologna, Il Mulino.
31.1992 – “Partidos politicos y consolidacion democratica en el Sur de Europa”, in J. Benedicto and F. Reinares, eds., Las transformaciones de lo politico, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.
30.1992 – “Italy”, with Luciano Bardi, in R. Katz and P. Mair, eds., Party Organizations. A Data Handbook on Party Organizations in Western Democracies, London, Sage Publications.
29.1992 – “Decadenza”, in Enciclopedia Italiana delle Scienze Sociali, vol.II, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, pp.699-706.
28.1991 – “Problemi e scelte nella comparazione. Introduzione”, in G. Sartori and L. Morlino eds., La comparazione nelle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino.
27.1991 – “Introduzione”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.9-39.
26.1991 – “La Confagricoltura tra attesa e compromesso”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.127-206.
25.1991 – “La relazione tra gruppi e partiti. Conclusioni”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Costruire la democrazia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.447-489.
24.1991 – “Introduzione”, in L.Morlino and A. Spreafico eds., Democrazia e partiti in America Latina, Milano, Angeli.
23.1990 – “Authoritarianisms”, in Bebler A. and Seroca J. eds., Contemporary Political Systems. Classifications and Typologies, Boulder (Col.) and London, Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 91-119.
22.1989 – “Ancora un bilancio lamentevole?”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Scienza Politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli, pp. 5-52.
21.1989 – “Teoria e macropolitica”, in L. Morlino (ed.), Scienza politica, Turin, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli, pp. 53-87.
20.1989 – “Epitaffio per un approccio di successo: il sistema politico”, in A. Panebianco (ed.), L’analisi della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 71-87.
19.1988 – “Tra rappresentanza e uguaglianza”, in J. Jacobelli (ed.), Un’altra repubblica? Come, perchè, quando, Bari, Laterza, pp. 119-27.
18.1988 – “Consolidación democratica”, in J. Pinto (ed.), Ensayos sobre la crisis politica argentina, Buenos Aires, Centro Editor de America Latina, pp. 311-377.
17.1987 – “Las instauraciones democraticas en Europa Mediterranea. Algunas hipotesis comparativas”, in VV.AA., Lecciones para democratas en transición, Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, pp. 221-56.
16.1987 – “Crisis autoritaria y cambio de regimen en el Sur Europa”, in C. Huneeus (ed.), Para vivir la democracia, Santiago, Editorial Andante, pp.13-49.
15.1987 – “Democratic Establishments. A Dimensional Analysis”, in E. Baloyra (ed.), Comparing New Democracies, Boulder (Col.), Westview, pp. 53-78.
14.1986 – “Dall’autoritarismo alla democrazia: Spagna, Portogallo e Grecia” in N. Tranfaglia e M. Firpo eds., La storia, vol.IX, Torino, UTET, pp. 761-88.
13.1986 – “Democrazie”, in Manuale di Scienza della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 83-136.
12.1986 – “Autoritarismi”, in Manuale di scienza della politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 137-89.
11.1986 – “Sistema politico”, in Scarpelli U. (ed.), Gli strumenti del sapere contemporaneo, Torino, UTET, pp. 767-71 (rev. ed. 1997).
10.1984 – “The Changing Relationships Between Parties and Society in Italy”, in S. Bartolini and P. Mair eds., Party Politics in Contemporary Western Europe, London, Frank Cass & Co..
9.1983 – “Stabilità politica”, in N. Bobbio, N. Matteucci, G. Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
8.1983 – “Dissenso”, in Bobbio, Matteucci, Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
7.1983 – “Franchismo”, in Bobbio, Matteucci, Pasquino eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET, 2nd rev. ed..
6.1982 – “Del Fascismo a una democracia debil. El cambio de regimen en Italia (1939-48)”, in J. Santamaria (ed.), Transició a la democracia en el Sur Europa y America Latina, Madrid, CIS, pp. 93-150.
5.1978 – “Dal pluralismo limitato al pluralismo competitivo. Partiti e sindacati”, in G. De Vergottini (ed.), Una costituzione democratica per la Spagna, Milano, Angeli, pp. 89-120.
4.1978 – “Intervento”, in VV.AA., La costituzione spagnola nel trentennale della costituzione italiana, Bologna, Forni Editore.
3.1977 – “Il crollo dei regimi democratici. Prefazione”, in A. Valenzuela, Il crollo della democrazia in Cile, Torino, Editrice BdL. pp. 5-15.
2.1976 – “Dissenso”, in Bobbio N. and N. Matteucci eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET.
1.1976 – “Stabilità politica”, in Bobbio N. and Matteucci N. eds., Dizionario di politica, Torino, UTET.
Selected Unpublished Works:
47. 2017 – “Circumventing constraints by internalizing Troika oversight? Italy and the Euro crisis negotiations”, Salzburg, Centre of European Union Studies, EMU CHOICES WORKING PAPER SERIES.
46. 2014 – “Transitions to Democracy. What Theory to Grasp Complexities?”, Working papers 6, Department of Political Sciences, Luiss G. Carli.
45.2014 – “How to Assess a Democracy. What Alternatives?” Lecture delivered at XIVth International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), with participation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. April 2-4, 2014, Moscow (published in Russian).
44. 2013 – “Transitions to Democracy. What We Know and What We Should Know”, Conference on “Re-examining Democratic Transitions in Times of Crisis”, organized by Center
for European and Mediterranean Studies, NYU Freie Universität, Berlin Historein NYU Berlin, sponsored by NYU Global Research Initiatives. NYU Berlin & Free Universität, 22-23 November 2013.
43.2013 – “What qualities of democracy in Latin America? Mixing quantitative and qualitative analyses”, delivered at the International Workshop on "Measuring Democracy", organized by IPSA Research Committee “Quality of Democracy” and the GPSA Research Group “Democracy Studies”, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Sept. 29th- Oct.1st 2013.
42.2013 – “Political Risk Assessment Methodologies: a Comparative Analysis”, SISP Annual Conference, Florence, Sept. 12-14 (with Cecilia Sottilotta).
41.2012 – “Governo Tecnico e Cittadini in Italia”, paper delivered at the Conference in Honor of Bruno Visentini”, Senate of the Republic, Oct. 30th.
40.2012 – “The Non-Procedural Determinants of Responsiveness”, with M. Quaranta, paper delivered at the Conference in Honor of Peter Mair, European University Institute, S. Domenico di Fiesole (Florence, Italy), Sept. 26-28 September.
39.2012 – “What Qualities of Democracy in Latin America. A Few Research Results” with G. Katz, paper delivered at IPSA World Congress, Madrid, July 11th-14th.
38.2012 – “Political Science and Social Sciences: Evolution, Influences, Debates, Innovation”, paper delivered at the Conference on “50 years in Graduate Education: Achievements and Impacts in Half a Century”, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey), June 6th.
37.2011 – “Two Perspectives on the impossible change: Italy 1992-2011”, paper delivered at the Conference on Liberalism and Democracy in Europe, Rome, La Sapienza, Nov. 15th.
36.2011 – “Qualities of democracy between freedom and equality. Europe and Latin America”, lecture delivered at the University of Seoul, Seoul, April 30th.
35.2010 – “The Impossible Change and the Building of A New Hybrid: Italy 1990-2010, paper delivered at the Colloque International on “La Transition Italienne Dans le Cadre Européen. Société’, Système Politique et Institutions: L’Etat de la Démocratie”, sponsored by ULB-Centre d’Etude de la Vie Politique, Bruxelles, Dec. 3-4.
34.2010 – “Measuring Democracy in Europe and Analyzing Some Results”, Seminars on “Citizenship in Europe: Political and Social Perspective”, European Studies Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, Nov. 2nd.
33. 2009 –“Qualities of Democracy: How to Analyze them“, Studies in Public Policy no. 465, Center for the Study of Public Policy, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen.
32.2009 – “How happened that the father killed the son and the son took revenge. Law and political science in Europe“, paper delivered at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana –USA), April 3rd.
31.2009 – “Quality of Democracy and European Union”, paper delivered at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana –USA), April 2nd.
30.2008 – “Berlusconi’s Return and the State of Leadership in Contemporary Italy”, paper delivered at the RISC Conference on Europe and Social Cohesion”, Luxembourg, Nov. 11th
29.2008 – “Flogisto, Antibiotici e Ricerca Scientifica”, lecture delivered at Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence, Oct. 8th.
28.2008 – “Democrazia Locale e Qualità Democratica. Quali teorie”, con F. Gelli, paper delivered at XXII SISP Conference, Pavia, Sept. 4-6.
27.2008 – “European Union Transformation Strategies and the Rule of Law in Weakly Governed States”, with Amichai Magen, Paper prepared for the 2008 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting,Boston, MA, Aug. 28th-31st .
26.2007 – “L’abbaco del professore”, paper delivered in Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Nov. 15th.
25.2006 – “Che cosa é, e a che serve la scienza politica oggi?”, lecture delivered at Accademia de’ Lincei, Rome, Oct. 22nd.
24.2006 – “Authoritarian Legacies and Good Democracy in South Europe”, paper delivered at the Colloque International “Penser la démocratie. Autour de l’oeuvre de Juan Linz” Montpellier, Sept. 7th-9th.
23.2006 – “Accountabilities. From Southern Europe with Hope”, paper delivered at the panel on “ The quality of Democracy. Experiences and Criteria”, 20th IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka (Japan), July 9th-13th.
22.2006 – “European Union and the Old Peripheries.Europeanization Patterns in Representation and Administration” with Silvia Bolgherini, paper delivered at the Conference on “European Union and the Old Peripheries”, Florence, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, May 26th-27th.
21.2005 – “Still Separated Tables? Democratic Theory and Survey Research”, paper delivered at the Conference on ‘Ten Years of Latinobarómetro’, St. Antony’s College, Oxford (UK), Sept. 19th -20th.
20.2005 – Representation and EU Impact on Regions in Italy”, paper delivered at the Conference on “Regions, Borders, and States: Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Development in Sub-national and Trans-national Areas”, Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia, May 20th.
19.2005 – “Democratization in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe. Additional Reflections on Concepts and Hypotheses Within a Conflict Resolution Perspective”, paper delivered at School of International Affairs, Belgrad, May 13th.
18.2005 –“¿Democracias con calidad o sin calidad?” paper delivered in the “Coloquio Internacional “Calidad de la Democracia”, Guadalajara, Mexico, 25-26 de april, Auditorio Arrupe, ITESO.
17.2004 – “Democratic Quality, or Qualities? Italy and Spain as Litmus Tests”, with Rafael Lopez Pintor, paper delivered at the International Conference on “Thirty Years of the Third Wave of Democratization: Paradigms, Lessons, and Perspectives”, sponsored by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, and the Social Science Research Centre (WZB),
Berlin, Dec. 10th-11th.
16.2004 – “Qualità della democrazia e partiti”, with Marco Almagisti, paper delivered in the panel on “Qualità della democrazia. Paradigmi a confronto”, Annual Conference of Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Padua, Sept. 15th-17th.
15.2004 – “Comparative Politics and Area Studies: Southern Europe, paper delivered at the meeting on “Pole Sud and Research on Southern Europe”, Paris, Jan. 28th.
14.2003 – “Did We Learn Something From Thirty Years of Transitions From Authoritarian Rule? Retrospective Wisdom from Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the panel on “ What Have We Learned From Thirty Years of Transitions from Authoritarian Rule?”, 19th IPSA World Congress, Durban (South Africa), June 30th-July3rd.
13.2003 – Europeanization and the Reshaping of Representation in Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the panel on “The Europeanization of Representation and Governance”, Eight Biennial International Conference, European Union Studies Association, Nashville, Tennessee (USA), March 27th-29th.
12.2002 – “What we know and what we should know on Europeanization and the reshaping of representation in SE democracies”, paper delivered at the Conference on “EU and Democracy in Southern Europe”, University of California, Berkeley, Oct. 31-Nov. 2nd.
11.2002 – “What is a “Good” Democracy? Theory and Empirical Analysis”paper delivered at the CPS Session on “The Quality of democracy in the Twenty First Century", ISA World Congress, Brisbane (Aus), July 7th-13th.
10.2001 – “Beyond Democratic Consolidation. Legitimacy, ‘Anchoring’ and Other Aspects”, paper delivered at the panel on “Democracy in the Twenty-First Century”, Research Committee on Political Sociology, APSA Annual Meeting, S. Francisco (USA), Aug. 30th - Sept. 2nd.
9.1999 – “Constitutional Design and Implementation in Southern Europe”, paper delivered at the ECPR-JAPS Conference on “Democratization East-West”, Tokio, Oct. 25-27.
8.1999 – “Europeanization and Representation in Two Europes”, paper delivered at the conference on “À la récherche de l’Europe méridionale”, Pole Universitaire Européen de Montpellier et du Languedoc-Roussillon, CNRS, and CEPEL, Montpellier, May 27-29 1999.
7.1994 – “European Integration and Industrial Policies In Largest European Countries”, with Liborio Mattina, Research Report, Florence.
6.1990 – “Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe. Theoretical Guidelines for the Empirical Analysis”, paper, Center for European Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, March.
5.1989 – “Crisis and Breakdown in Mediterranean Europe. The Two Paths”, paper delivered at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Paris, April 15-20.
4.1985 – “Instaurazioni democratiche. Variazioni e spiegazioni nell’esperienza europea”, paper delivered at the Conference on “La transición a la democracia en el Tercer Mundo”, Buenos Aires, Aug. 27-29.
3.1984 – “Le ipotesi alla prova: il Portogallo”, paper delivered at the Conference on “Military and Politics in Mediterranean Europe”, Rome, Fondazione Basso, Oct. 15-6.
2.1982 – “Crisis Without Breakdown. Italy as a Crucial Case”, paper delivered at the IPSA World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 16-21.
1.1981 – “The Rules of Democratic Consolidation. Some Comparative Notes about Italy and Spain”, paper delivered at the SSRC Conference on “Contemporary Change in Southern Europe”, Madrid, Nov. 26-28.
Forthcoming books, articles in Journals, and chapters in books:
2020 – “Hybrid Regimes”, in A Sajo, S. Holmes, R. Uitz, eds., Routledge Handbook on Illiberalism, London, Routledge.
2021 – L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
2021 – “Introduzione. Concetti, meccanismi, ipotesi”, in L. Morlino and Michele Sorice, eds., L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
2021 – “Conclusioni. Quello che abbiamo appreso”, with Michele Sorice, in L. Morlino and Michele Sorice, eds., L’illusione della scelta. Come manipolare l’opinione pubblica in Italia, with Michele Sorice, Roma, Luiss University Press.
Pubblicazioni (54)
Collegi di dottorato (21)
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 33 - Anno: 2017
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 32 - Anno: 2016
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 31 - Anno: 2015
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 30 - Anno: 2014
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 29 - Anno: 2013
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 28 - Anno: 2012
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 28 - Anno: 2012
Scuola IMT Alti Studi - LUCCA -
(ciclo: 27 - Anno: 2011
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 27 - Anno: 2011
Luiss Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli -
(ciclo: 27 - Anno: 2011
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 26 - Anno: 2010
Scuola IMT Alti Studi - LUCCA -
(ciclo: 26 - Anno: 2010
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 25 - Anno: 2009
Scuola IMT Alti Studi - LUCCA -
(ciclo: 25 - Anno: 2009
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 24 - Anno: 2008
SUM - Istituto Italiano di SCIENZE UMANE di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 23 - Anno: 2007
Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA -
(ciclo: 22 - Anno: 2006
Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA -
(ciclo: 21 - Anno: 2005
Università degli Studi di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 21 - Anno: 2005
Università degli Studi di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 20 - Anno: 2004
Università degli Studi di FIRENZE -
(ciclo: 19 - Anno: 2003
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